Sunday 13 March 2016

Is Hans Küng infallible?

In conjunction with those well-known bastions of Catholic orthodoxy, the National Catholic Reporter and The Tablet, Pope Francis has issued a challenge to the doctrine of Küngly infallibility.

Kung Fu

Wave your Hans! The doctrines of Hans Küng Fu lead to enlightenment.

It will be recalled that the First Vatican Council of 1869–1870 formally defined the doctrine of Küngly infallibility, saying that whenever Hans (who in those days was a mere teenager) made an ex cathedra declaration on faith or morals, then it was to be treated as infallible. However, as early as 1980 it was recognised that Hans Küng was barking mad the teachings of Hans Küng were too radical to be accepted by the Church, and his "licence to teach" was withdrawn, along with his television licence and his licence to kill.

Pope Francis himself does not go in for ex cathedra declarations, but in an ex aeroplana statement, as reported by Eugenio Scalfari, he is believe to have said "Hans Küng is a complete idiot who should have joined the Lutherans years ago. They'll take anyone. Could I have a bag of peanuts, please?"

Dear Pope Francis book

Another entrant for the "Doesn't look like Pope Francis" competition.

Supporters of Küng have angrily claimed that Pope Francis is jealous of Hans's impressive academic record, including honorary degrees from AXA anti-Hellfire Insurance, Dreamland Margate, and the University of Atlantis. Not to mention his 250 published books, including "You is not infallible, only I is infallible" and "Why does everyone hate me?"

Pope Francis, on the other hand, has recently written a book answering children's questions such as "Does God work on Sundays?", "What is the point of Giles Fraser?" and "Do self-absorbed promethean neo-pelagians go to Heaven?"

Hans Küng book

Forget North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Syria. Here's REAL suffering.

The debate goes on. Is Professor Küng - three times winner of the Tony Flannery prize for patient bearing of torture - really infallible? Who are we to judge?


  1. I read somewhere that Hans Kung was asked if he would accept being a Papabile at the last Conclave and he turned it down saying that if he took the position on offer he would cease to be "infallible". If I remember aright the late Cardinal Hume had something to do with this offer...or was it for the previous Conclave?
    I can't remember everthing!!!

  2. Crown him with many crowns,
    The Kung upon the throne.
    His front yard boasts a life-sized bronze,
    Whose visage is his own.

  3. Yore pitchers a' fassinating, bruvver!

    < ed > The first I misread as a campaign poster, but I will always be ready to vote wisdom for Küng.

    If the second is an entry for the competition mentioned, it should win because it was done "By Pope Francis". Admittedly he should have removed "Copyrighted Material" from it, but this wouldn't affect the outcome.

    As for the third, I also read the legend in JARay's comment recently so at first I wondered if his present "Struggle for Freedom" is a regret.
    Then I realised he's only boasting about his weakness... 'cause we all know how he jumps at the chance to follow the Apostles and their tradition. < /ed >

    Dus endit der less-son.

  4. I think the question arises about Hans Kung's asserted infallibility because moderns have lost the capacity to differentiate between the words "infallible" and "insufferable." After several glasses of merlot the two words sound awfully similar and one can excuse the confusion that might cause to the average wine tippler.

    Kung of course is blessed with the Catholic charism of being insufferable, especially when he appears to be speaking in union with the German episcopacy, which is always. When in union with German bishops Kung speaks in terms of the ordinary insufferability, although this still binds all heterodox Catholic. Kunf exercises extraordinary insufferabilty when he opines in union with the Pope Francis, usually in the company of Cardinal Kasper and Cardinal Weurl.

    While Father Kung's charism of insufferability was not precisely defined by Vatican II, his exercise of it was clearly evident at the Council.

  5. My favourite Kung opus is "Hans off The Falklands".

  6. Kung of Kungs and fraud of frauds.

  7. Is he praying or picking his nose? Frank Skinner likes him (nuff said).

  8. Pope Benedict uses irrational Cushingism as a theology to interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus : he was unaware of the choice

    Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and Cardinal Muller use an irrational theology to interpret Vatican Council II and so reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

  9. Bruvver Eccles, I apologise for being serious a second time in a matter of minutes. I promise to try to be worse behaved in future. However, the Most Rev Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath, as a senior seminarian in Rome and then as a post-graduate priest student in Rome, attended all 168 days of the Second Vatican Council (together with 11 other young priests; others dropped out for various reasons) as a stenographer/scribe trained in Latin shorthand (which was specifically devised for the purpose by one Prof Alois Kennerknecht from Germersheim). They produced the official transcript. Just before Pope Benedict's visit to the UK Kung issued an "open letter to the Church" which Bishop Michael rightly described as having "running through" it "an infallibility no pope would claim." Bishop Michael authored a riposte which is well worth reading. See:
