Monday 16 May 2016

Explosive device found in Amoris Laetitia was left by security company

Catholics expressed their anger last night when it was revealed that an explosive footnote found in the Amoris Laetitia area had been left behind by Papal Solutions Ltd, the company charged with ensuring the security of the Catholic Church.

Apparently, it had been put there during a security exercise - as a test to the faithful - but never removed. Indeed, Pope Francis, the Managing Director of Papal Solutions Ltd, claimed to have forgotten all about the footnote.

Pope in hard hat

Doing a security check.

As a result of the discovery, the Armageddon League Game between Catholics United and Kasper Wanderers had to be abandoned. In the words of some expert commentators, "This is a bit of a bombshell," although others tried to reassure the public that business could go on as usual.

Efforts are now underway to remove the explosive footnote. Indeed, some people, anxious for the security of Catholics United, are demanding that the whole of Amoris Laetitia be demolished, in case it contains other significant dangers.

Vin and football shirt

Catholic Church's exciting Number 11 shirt. And some man or other.


  1. If I remember correctly, I believe a few "time-bombs" were left in Vatican II Documents, which surfaced a few years after the close of Vatican II.

    N'est-pas ?

  2. I had a disconcerting experience last weekend. On a visit to friends, attended their local church for Mass, and it turned out to be the anniversary of that church's dedication, or, as the priest put it, it's "birthday". So we all had to solemnly sing "Happy Birthday" to the church. And nobody but me seemed to find this behaviour at all strange.

    Is it me, or are the words "down" and "dumbing" irresistibly forming themselves into a well-known phrase or sentence?

    Sorry, I know it's off-topic, I just had to let off steam somewhere. Go ahead and delete this if you want, it's your blog.

    1. No, you're right, this is just daft.

    2. And so say all of us!

    3. "For it's a jolly good building,
      "For it's a jolly good building,
      "For it's a jolly good building,
      "And so say all of us", etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
