Thursday 19 January 2017

O worship the pope!

We strongly recommend this video by Emily Clarke, which has been produced in honour of Pope Francis, due to visit Ireland next year to see whether there are any Catholics left there. It shows the best of modern Catholicism, pushing aside Jesus Christ in favour of an unqualified adoration of the Holy Father.

According to the lyrics, "The Lord kept his promise to us and sent us a treasure to see us safely home." This treasure being, er, the pope.

Papa Francis 1

Shine, Francis, Shine!

Of course the pope, being a humble and modest man, has angrily written to sister Emily to tell her to delete her video, which anyone but the most arrogant of people would find rather embarrassing. Luckily, we still have some screen captures to see us safely home.

Papa Francis 2

A quick change of dress mid-song, and we pose in front of the Tabernacle.

Actually, dear Emily may not have changed her dress in the middle of the song; it may be a trick of the light, like that ambiguous dress which, according to the Daily Mail, has "divided the Internet" because nobody is sure what colour it really is. And nobody really cares.

Papa Francis 3

The first ascent of the north face without ropes. And another change of dress.

According to the song, the pope was chosen by God, as a leader for our times. Well, it was either God or the St Gallen Mafia, and we still haven't sorted out all the contradictions in the apostolic exhortation Austenis Iveria. But let's be charitable and suppose that the Holy Spirit spoke through Cormac Murphy-O'Connor when Francis was chosen.

Papa Francis 4

Very dignified. Very tasteful. Oh, and the dress - what there is of it - is red.

Well, thank you very much, Emily. We'll let you know.

For those whose collection of Pope St Francis memorabilia is still not complete, we have another exhibit.

Santo sùbito! A miraculous medal.

Well, that's enough papalistic adoration for now. In fact, the medal I was given says "Insult us" on the back, and that does seem to be a more likely prospect.

However, we can report that the crisis involving the Knights of Malta seems to have been resolved. You will recall that it had reached an impasse, with the conversation reduced to "You have no authority to judge us." "Oh, yes we have!" "Oh no, you haven't!" etc. Finally, following my personal intervention, we have a solution.

pope squares up to Fra' Matthew Festing

Pope Francis and Fra’ Matthew Festing decide to settle things by sumo wrestling.


  1. Eccles: In future could you please give us a health warning before inviting us to watch such a video. I nearly vomited after 40 seconds.

    1. I survived about 90 seconds on the first viewing.

    2. You NEARLY vomited! You must tell me your secret, I'm ankle deep in it here.

    3. I survived longer than 1 minute, but I'm not sure it counts because I was simultaneously watching election news. (I'm a bit embarrassed that I lasted that long, but maybe it shows some strength of character or something.....)

  2. Surely this (the video) is actually satire of the highest order? I mean, she could not actually be serious.

  3. I couldn't make it through, had watched it somewhere else. I wouldn't want to hurt the lady's feelings, she's pretty and her voice is as well, it's surely not about that, but to stand in front of the tabernacle, in a red say HE is sent to make Jesus disappear in an ode to this...person. This mere person!
    It makes me want to renounce my Irish DNA. I've got nowhere to go, the French and the Germans make me sick as well.

  4. Sad to see the 2000 year old Church,which inspired the world's greatest music, art, literature and philosophers diminished in this way.....reduced to sacriligious dross.Disgraceful!

  5. I think the singer who is apparently also the song-writer is probably sincere even if misguided. She is certainly a brilliant quick change artiste and reminded me of Tommy Cooper!

  6. Even the "music" is angular. That is about the best I can say for this "performance".

  7. Whoa, Eccles result! Comments on the video on YouTube were disabled at approximately 9.25 pm GMT... just when I was about to ask for insight into the lyrics at the close of the song - " Papa Francis wholly in persona greasy, Papa Francis call me!"

  8. I have to confess that I have not heard this offering. I saw it available on Rorate Caeli and with less than a second's thought I decided that I could not face it. So, I moved on and came here!

  9. If I was Pope Francis I'd cancel my trip to Ireland lest I find a pan of boiling water with a bunny in it left for me to find when I get there.

  10. I think the Emily changed her dress in the sanctuary! She certainly got all hormonal on the floor...a bit like a cat waiting for nibbles! Roll over Enya and kate Bush. Emily Clarke (is that an Irish family name?) "the scarlet woman of Rome" is crooning for Francis. Her other song include "Francis I am getting clucky for you" which has those moving lyrics "My love is a hen and its laying for you, don't shew her way let her roll let her lay, you know she the right hen for you!" She dyed her hair blond to look like a broiler.

  11. This is kitsch of a very high order!

  12. Here's how the song starts. God sent us His Son, but then we went astray, so now He's sent Papa Francis to get us back on track.

    To put it mildly, this is almost blasphemous. Anyway it was too much for me, and I just couldn't listen to the rest of it.

    1. Wait wait wait. This is a great theme. The authors just don't understand it themselves. I did not either, till now.


      God sent His Son, but we would not listen.
      So he tried homeopathy and sent Francis.

      And, miracle! people are opening their Bibles again, to check all the deviations from the doctrine, traddies are not relics of a past age anymore but become beacons of orthodoxy.

      Whom we must thank for all this?

      Francis. The great stander before the Eucharist, the holy deliverer of mischievous notes, the speaker of high altitude, The bearer of the magic pectoral cross which vanishes in front of Israelites.

      Now I got it, it was so easy!

  13. Who produced this unadulterated claptrap?

  14. I thought emetics were usually prescribed by a doctor!

  15. Only in 21st century Ireland could this apostate soup have been cooked up! Blech!!

  16. Shine, Francis, shine? #changeaconsonant.
