Tuesday 8 August 2017

St Elizabeth the LGBT activist

Hello, guys and gals, I'm Fr Arthur your new "Yoof Priest", and I'm preaching the official "Yoof Sermon" at the "Yoof Mass" or "Gig" as we Yoof Priests call it. Taking my lead from my hero, Fr Dom of Brentwood, I take as my text today the passage from Luke 1, where St Elizabeth was persecuted for being an LGBT activist.

St Elizabeth

St Elizabeth, an inspiration to LGBTQISJXYZαβPQRAREYOUSTILLREADING™∇⊕ZZZ999 people everywhere!

As Fr Dom so wisely tells us, Elizabeth was shunned for being barren. But why should she have been barren? Was she a lesbian? Or even bisexual? Perhaps she was "trans", and would have preferred to be called Elijah, or maybe a gender-neutral "El"? Yes, that was the real cause of her persecution, the homophobic tradition in 1st century Judaea!

Nowadays being a lesbian is of course no barrier to conceiving. Science has conquered nature, and we can make children in test-tubes who do not know who their parents are. And I am sure that many of you yooful ones here present would have preferred things that way! In future this will be the usual way to produce kids - in giant hatcheries - and sex will be reserved for pleasure as God intended!

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley. A dead white male but his "Brave New World" showed us how to advance!

Anyway, in the end Elizabeth gave way to the fascist hegemony of her times, and God gave her a child. And what a disaster that was! John the Baptist! Someone with distinctly old-fashioned views on marriage, a scruffy old drop-out who came to a bad end. The least said about him the better!

Oh, excuse me, my mobile's ringing. Hello, bishop? What's that people have been saying about me? A complete fruitcake? That's not nice... All right, that's all for today, lads and lasses.

© Fr Arthur 2017


  1. Does make you wonder if priests who harper on about this ideology suffer from same sex attraction themselves. Whilst this is not a sin in of itself, these clergy should have never entered the clerical life, canon law on this is clear.

    1. From This life site news: articlehttps://www.lifesitenews.com/news/high-ranking-monsignor-with-link-to-pope-francis-caught-in-cocaine-fueled-g
      Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan highlighted in a talk given in Washinton D.C. last October the moral principle that "heresy" always goes hand-in-hand with an “unchaste life.” Where there is heresy, there is also sexual immorality, he said. What the good bishop has said here Makes perfect sense when you think about it.

  2. My assumption has always been the other way - that priests who are confident in their sexuality are less likely to get het up about other people's. Out of interest, why would having a gay orientation make a priest less suitable than a heterosexual one?

    1. Because they're disordered in themselves. With this kind of flawed thinking, there is a greater danger they may not be as appropriate to make judgements on these matters for others than in the case of those who are able to distinguish the reproductive system from the digestive/excretory. It all adds up to sodomy in the end, not Willful and Graceless.

    2. They aren't known for their holiness.

    3. What a cute fairy tale Fr. Art. Didja know the Baptist didn't tell people to repent? He told them to recycle!! He lived in the desert so he wouldn't make a big carbon footprint. haha

    4. I suspect your assumption is based on the "homophobia shaming" that came our way based on telling men that IF they were secure in their masculinity, THEY would have no problem with homosexuality at all. This fine tactic, cagily crafted by Satan, was aimed at simply getting men to simmer down, and not react to overt or covert homosexuals, but learn to smile sanguinely and assure others that it's "no problem" if someone is a homosexual. It has nothing to do with sexual self-confidence, and everything to do with social behavioral control, the end game being approval of homosexuality of course, or at least, being shamed so you act as if you approve.
      There is no doubt tons of material pertaining to your question, but basically, the priesthood is spiritual fatherhood, and one needs to be a healthy, properly oriented man with a properly oriented understanding of human and spiritual dynamics. In addition, there are well-validated co-morbid psychological features that accompany a homosexual orientation, and those also make one less than fit to be a Catholic priest, who is called to a life of prayer and some sacrifice for God and the flock. Poverty, chastity, in particular chastity, are apparently problematic for men with a homosexual orientation. The fact that the creditable John Jay Study demonstrated that 81% of the victims of sexual assault in the Catholic Church was against post-adolescent boys from the ages of about 11 to 17, makes it clear that homosexual men, who have virtually invaded the priesthood, are patently unfit for the priesthood, and are a clear and present danger to young males. And these are men who are supposed to represent Jesus Christ!

    5. Well put Kathleen & I also reject Archdruid's cheap insinuation towards Eccles, he is one of the most secure men I have ever met.

    6. Thanks, Elisabeth, but I didn't take it as a personal attack on me.
