Thursday 7 September 2017

Mogg "the wrong type of Catholic"

Criticism of Jacob Rees-Mogg continued to flood in today, after it suddenly became clear - to people who must have spent the last few years in the Burmese jungle or somewhere - that he was the wrong type of Catholic.


"Sorry, leaving dismembered mice on the floor is against my religion."

Said one commentator, Suzanne Moron of the Guardian: "Of course to us modern liberals, the word Catholic is synonymous with bigot, but we might be prepared to tolerate him in public life - say, as a cleaner at the House of Commons - if he would only repudiate his views on marriage and abortion. It's six times now that his wife has failed to do her civic duty and have a termination."

A distant relative, Sadiq Rees-Mohammed, M.P. for New Damascus (formerly the London Borough of Hackington), joined in the criticism. "When I went on the Piers Morgan show and was asked whether I supported the decapitation of infidels and the chucking of gays off the roofs of buildings, I explained that my religious views were a personal matter, and that put an end to the discussion! It would have been an Islamophobic hate crime to press me further!"

death to juice

Sadiq Rees-Mohammed.

Peter Sutcliffe of the British Serial Killers Advisory Service agreed. "This 'pro-life' attitude of Mogg's is frankly, disgusting. When I was active in public life as the Yorkshire Ripper, I never felt that human life was valuable, so why should he? What a bigot!"

Rees-Mogg was defiant today. "Frankly, I'm not keen on stealing, false witness, and adultery, either," he confessed. "This does make me exceptional among MPs, where expenses-fiddling, lying, and extra-marital affairs are rather expected. The Whips keep asking me if I am feeling all right."

lions and Christians

The traditional way of dealing with religious bigots like Rees-Mogg.

Pope Francis was unavailable for comment, but one of his key advisers, Cardinal Cupich, commented: "The last thing the Church needs at this time is Catholics who actually believe in something. I myself have never fallen into that trap! No, give me an atheist, or a Catholic like Piers Morgan, every time!"


  1. "Motus in fine velocior", Eccles.

  2. A Catholic is someone who adheres to the precepts and the immutable doctrine of the Catholic Church.The heretics and enemies of the Church who want to transform it into Catholic lite, in my opinion have forfeited the right to call themselves Catholic . Catholic lite is not Catholic and is antithetic to the crux and true meaning of our religion. God bless Jacob Rees-Mogg for having the courage of his convictions and publicly support his faith.He is an inspiration to us all,particularly since the term Catholic now is synonymous with bigotry.We are under siege and it is essential for us all to hold fast,stand together and keep praying.

    1. The real knife in Jacob's back will be delivered soon by the Iscariots of his own media-mad 'merciful' church.

      Rees-Mogg's is a dry martyrdom embraced clear-eyed and manfully.

    2. "The heretics and enemies of the Church who want to transform it into Catholic lite", say like homosexual marriage supporting Iain Duncan Smith a "catholic" who this morning on Good morning britain was squirming when asked questions about his Catholic faith and then denied his faith and Our Lord in front of millions for all to see. God bless through Jacob Rees-Mogg for being faithful to the church unlike the cowardly Duncan smith

    3. "Be not angry, Lord, if I speak yet once more: What if tell Thee that ten should be found there?

      And he said: I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten." Genesis 18:32

  3. BSKAS get a bad press; at least they don't rely on government funding for the activities.

  4. Ho, hum. Jesus told us to expect a lot worse than merely not being allowed to become Prime Minister.

  5. Looking forward to hearing him speak in Cardiff at the end of this month! :)

  6. SEPTEMBER 8, 2017

    England's Trump : Could Jacob Rees-Mogg MP proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King based on Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite) ?

  7. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP could follow the Catholic Church's post Vatican Council II teachings on there being exclusive salvation in the Church just as he opposes abortion

  8. Perfectly bizarre wailing in certain quarters that they have somehow been dispossessed. Dispossessed of what, exactly? It is still only 10 years since Tony Blair could not become a Catholic until he had ceased to be Prime Minister. He, who had changed the Constitution more than any Prime Minister before or since, and far more than Corbyn proposes to do, did not attempt clarify the law that still appears to bar Catholics from the Premiership, because he knew that, whatever the law might be, a Catholic Prime Minister was still politically impossible. The insistence on both the constitutional and the political points would not have come from his own party.

    Oh, well, Jesus Himself thought that this kind of thing was good for us. Arguments in defence of the Catholic Church's definition of marriage as the best basis for the law of the land, and in defence of the right to make that case, ought to have been offered in 1533. As, of course they were. (Even Luther and Tyndale supported Catherine of Aragon against Henry VIII; in its origins, the English Reformation was as untheological as anything has ever been.) Rees-Mogg's and his supporters' weird sense of their own impugned entitlement is like his routine quotation of the Book of Common Prayer, the King James Bible and Victorian Anglican hymnody: it does not come across as culturally Catholic at all. As the New York Irish used to say of John F. Kennedy, "He never did a day of Catholic school in his life."

    As to those who until this week held that it was, and ought to be, impossible for a Catholic to become Prime Minister, but who have now decided that Rees-Mogg speaks for them despite their Protestantism, see above on marriage, while on abortion, to which church do you belong? The Church of England, has never been against abortion. It, the Church of Scotland, and the Methodist Church wrote suspiciously similar reports that David Steel then wrote up as what became the 1967 Abortion Act. In eventually backing down on several Lords amendments to that Bill, amendments that the Commons rejected by which the Lords were determined to keep, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsey, saved his own and his brethren's seats in the House of Lords. In other words, there are still bishops in the House of Lords at all because they supported abortion, and not as some Medieval or Early Modern quirk, but a mere 50 years ago.

    The de facto prohibition on a pro-life Prime Minister is at least 50 years old. Since the 1967 Abortion Act, only three opponents of that legislation and of its successive extensions have even been candidates to lead either of the main parties, in the sense of being on the ballot paper in the end. Those have been John Smith, John Redwood and Iain Duncan Smith. Only Smith and Duncan Smith have won the Leadership (in Smith's case, as long ago as 1992), and only Smith has come within sight of becoming Prime Minister, although even he never did so. It is inconceivable, so to speak, that anyone of that view could ever again make it onto the ballot to lead either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party.

    We have already seen that the same thing now applied to same-sex marriage. If keeping Andrea Leadsom off the ballot meant that there simply would not be an election at all, then there simply would not be an election at all, even though she would have lost it anyway. And even though she would have lost it anyway, there simply was not an election at all. Jacob Rees-Mogg, nota bene.

    1. The Telegraph 09 September 2017

      "Jacob Rees-Mogg: 'I oppose same-sex marriage, but I'd go to a gay wedding'"

      Well there goes his 'Catholic' credentials out the window. If he would attend a gay wedding happily (homosexuality being a 'sin crying out to God for vengeance)would he give a woman a lift to the abortion clinic if she was a friend?

      Disappointing in the extreme.

  9. Yep...even if she was not a friend (if the paparazzi were hanging about)He is a politician after all, it seems.And to think I said I admired and respected him...absolutely not. Surely he must realise how this treachery would be received by genuine Catholics.Obviously he does not care.Votes are more important. If he can find a real Catholic priest in Britain maybe he should consider going to confession.
    More than disappointing in the extreme.Utterly utterly depressing !
