Friday 9 February 2018

It Looks Nothing Like Pope Francis - the winners!

There are numerous pictures, models, effigies, etc. of Pope Francis in circulation, most of which look nothing like the Holy Father. As Pope Francis prepares to pack his bags and flee to Argentina, we present some of the worst, with thanks to various contributors.

pope lookalike

A new "Looks nothing like Pope Pius XIII" line will be on sale soon.

pope lookalike

Shine, Jesus, Shine!

pope lookalike

A "gay" couple celebrate their (undersized) designer baby.

pope lookalike

"But I prefer a good fudge."

pope lookalike

Look more like a space alien than a pope.

pope lookalike

Change the name on the base, and it can be anyone you like.

Whereas, we all know that Pope Francis is really the actor Jonathan Pryce.

Jonathan Pryce

Jonathan Pryce.

Except that Pryce (or possibly Francis) was once a James Bond villain.

James Bond villain

Pryce (or Francis) in "Tomorrow never dies".


  1. I like the first photo, where it says "clearance." If only...

  2. Take a good look at a photo of Bishop Len Brennan, then at one of the Holy Father.
