Monday 5 February 2018

Meet the Buzzfeed hack firing bitter pills at Father Z

Until I came across this piece, a hatchet job on "blogger priest" Father Z, I wasn't really aware that Buzzfeed did semi-serious journalism.

In fact, it usually turns up on Twitter via its moronic quizzes. Which Famous Serial Killer Are You? Which Heretical Jesuit Are You? Which Fatal Illness Are You?

Buzzfeed garbage

Excuse my French! Apparently someone is paid to produce this garbage.

Still, we stumbled across something, and it turned out to be the immortal prose of one Joseph Bernstein. In the eyes of little Joseph, anyone who is not a committed Democrat is probably alt-right. Three of the sad little figureheads of Catholic Liberalism (or do I mean Liberal Catholicism?) are wheeled out: alt-Jesuit Jimmy Martin (catchphrase, "it's HATE"), odd-bod theologian Massimo Faggioli, and "Catholic Whiners" founder Austen Ivereigh. They all get a chance to put the boot in.

Well, I don't always agree with Father Z: indeed I have blogged about his fondness for guns (but he's American, and they still need them in Wisconsin for predatory redcoats, Injuns, buffaloes, drug-dealers, Democrats, Jesuits, etc., so I guess he has an excuse). There's also his excessive use of red ink, and, worst of all, the fact that I'm not allowed to comment on his blog, whereas so many less-saved people can do so. Oh, and he plugs "Mystic Monk" coffee, when my own "Numinous Nun" brand is far better.

Fr Z

An oldie, but a goodie. Fr Z takes the cure.

Well I looked up Joseph Bernstein, and his track record for boring articles is pretty good. Some time I must find out who Chelsea Manning is (all I know is that he was originally called Aston Villa Manning), and try and get excited about a museum that wants all its donors to believe in climate change...zzz...zzz...

Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, the bitter pills fired at Father Z. Well, as Father DL notes (more-or-less), Mr Weinstein doesn't realise that Catholicism is more about tradition/modernism and orthodoxy/heterodoxy than straightforward right/left politics. Although you nay suspect that Benedict XVI votes for the Partito Italiano Conservativo, while Francis leans towards the Marxisto-Leninisto Socialisto Partito.

Francis and Benedict

"Sigh! I guess our prayers are cancelling each other out as well."

Anyway, I need to change my name from Eccles to something extravagantly long, so that I can then be referred to affectionately as "Frater E". Something like Ecclesiasticolongendorf should do the trick. Then I too can be noticed by... drat, I've forgotten his name already. That Buzz Lightyear person.


  1. I'm fairly certain that when my daughter went to Villanova where she lost her faith Massimo Faggioli was her professor for Creative Theology. At the time a hint of orthodoxy still remained in her so she wrote an orthodox paper and received an A+. I told my daughter Faggioli gave her that grade because he had never heard Truth before so thought what sprang from her mind onto her paper was original and creative.

  2. Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 2009 :



    1877 Daily News 25 Oct. 5/7 That‥form of ecclesiophobia which consists in seeing the finger of Jesuitry everywhere.

    Hope that helps !!

  3. You told me you weren't a catholic. But you are, and youre a liar to boot. And youre not funny and all your braindead readers are idol worshipng cathols because they like your nonsense. have a nice day brother Eccles.

    1. All bow down to the Cavalry Chapel cement dove, bozo !!

    2. "Blogger", dis hole blogg is made for bruvver bozo, and about how only I savd, and u r all going to the lake of fire becos of Jupiter's toe and the fish hats.

      Hadn't you realised this ?

  4. You still moderating comments? What are you scared of you shivering little chicken thief. I don't moderate on my chicken thieving site.

    1. Ullo, Bosco, have you escaped again? We muddlerate comments to keep the loonies out - but make an exception in your case.
