Sunday 17 June 2018

Cardinal condemns God for separating families

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has slammed God for building a wall round Heaven and separating families.

Said His Eminence, "It is shocking to think that there is no free access to Heaven, and that people who illegally try to enter - perhaps when St Peter's attention is distracted by a discussion of fishing techniques - are rounded up and interned in Hell. This means that some people are entering Heaven to discover that their parents have been sent elsewhere."

Donald Trump

An artist's vision of God.

A spokesman for God (St Matthew of Catholic Voices) remarked that Divine Immigration Policy clearly stated "And every one that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall possess life everlasting. So there!"

Meanwhile, the USCCB stressed that they were speaking out in their capacity as a pro-life organization: they were concerned about immigration, but had very little objection to children being destroyed in the womb, and they would certainly not deny communion to abortionists, whether practising or simply preaching the doctrine of death. In this they were backed up by organizations such as "Catholics for Choice", "Catholics for Infanticide", "Catholics for Herod" and "Catholics for BLOOD SLAUGHTER MURDER DEATH PSYCHO AAAAGGGGHHH".

Daniel DiNardo

"In the words of Holy Scripture: VOTE DEMOCRAT."


  1. You are guilty of callous cruelty towards separated parents and children in your words and you need to repent - for this, and for thereby giving scandal to Non-Catholics who might suppose your opinion to be über-Catholic and be turned away from the one true Church.

    (And I supposed you to be someone who wasn't blinded by Americanism. But, obviously, everything Republicans do is godly now. Right. Why not seperate all children from their parents at their birth and raise them apart from their families, if that's what God likes?)

    1. You obviously need to do some research or you are a troll. Either way this is a hilarious take-off of utter hypocrites so get a grip.

    2. I agree, but excuse my cynicism: did you object to Obama's policies on warehousing children? Or are you just echoing the latest Journolist meme?

      Or did you ignore the stories of similar horrors against immigrant children by the Obama adminstration, which were well covered in Mother Jones and the UK Guardian but ignored by the US MSM...

  2. We're already doing that, seperating children from their families at's called "after birth helpers" or baby sitters, nannies, day care, preschook, kindergarren, public school, private school, day camp, summer camp, summer school, early matriculation, college, overseas studies, volunteer work, unpaid work-experience opportunities, multiple graduate studies through one or more doctorates, protest rallies and conscienceness raising activities, lack of commitment to permanance of employment and/or relationship/marriage resulting in nonproductive nonauthentic or complete love which brings child bearing and responsible parentinting, ending in lonely old age, ultimately resulting in death and the ultimate opportunity to understand the Creator's purpose for human life, and ending in an ultimate opportunity to reap the rewards of that life style--eternity seperated from Divine Love as chosen in life. Great philosophers, thrologians and many every-day people understand this IS NOT WHAT GOD LIKES, yet we, people, choose and facilitate it anyway. causing the ultimate result--seperation, same as illegally crossing Country Borders resuls in consequences!!!

  3. The bishops are hypocritical insofar as they do not condemn giving communion to pro-choice Catholics,(e.g., Nancy Pelosi,et al.), and for not vociferously condemning abortion, the modern version of the Holy Innocents! Is immigration law the only thing on their mind? And if they bothered to study immigration law, they may have another opinion. The current Immigration were already in effect before the 2016 election. And now that the government has decided to impose them? This again shows that they think with their emotions and not their intellects. Also, do they ever speak out on the burden imposed upon taxpayers by the number of extra classrooms that school districts have to build to accommodate illegal aliens, or the cost of healthcare for illegals that has to be borne by taxpayers, when we have tens of thousands of homeless people and children, as well as families in this country who have no healthcare. Perhaps the bishops should examine their consciences and focus their attention on the severe problems of our own population.

    William A. Torchia, Esq.

  4. The USCCB is a corrupt Democrat controlled institution that should not even exist. The Bishops interest in immigrants is not due to charity but rather to do the bidding of the Democrat Party for being paid large sums for help in what only can be called 'people trafficking'. The Bishops show little interest in the harm done by illegal immigrant to property, harm to low wage workers, city budgets, etc. The Bishops are effectively criminals.

    1. Couldn't have said it better Michael! I was just going to point out that the USCCB is relying on child trafficking in order to keep their coffers full. They are just another arm of the Democrat Party, and to put it crudely but truthfully, they are 'whoring themselves out' to the deep state. Gotta call a spade a spade.

  5. Each abortion separates a child from a family, painfully, excruciatingly -forever. "Excruciate" - take the heart out of. Guy McClung, Texas

  6. Catholics for Herod lol. Mind you, it wouldn't surprise me. Catholics for Choice actually said if St Elizabeth had aborted John the Baptist then that would have been her choice and that's perfectly fine. These people are insane.
