Tuesday 19 November 2019

Chick-fil-A starts donating to the Catholic Church

Following pressure from LGBT activists, who have forced their first ever British restaurant (in Reading) to close, Chick-fil-A have surrendered further, and will no longer be giving money to the "anti-gay" Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

However, all is not lost, as in looking around for other Christian organizations that could be worth their support, and which might be found less offensive by the Gay Mafia, Chick-fil-A have stumbled across the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis and James Martin

A top LGBT activist and part-time priest shares a joke with Pope Francis.

"We don't know much about this organization," said their Managing Director, Mr Jack Chick (memo: check this), "because apparently their top man tells them to keep quiet and under no circumstances try to convert people. Still, we see that in the U.S.A. they are very hot on gay rights, and this should please the gay Mafia chaps."

Said Algy Beattie, an activist in the GLAAD Pride Mafia, "This seems like a good choice to us. We have excellent relations with Sweetie Cupich, Nighty-Night Tobin, and James Martin LGBTSJ the famous bridge-builder and organizer of LGBT retreats (know what I mean?) They have assured us that the bits in the Bible condemning homosexual acts are never read out in church these days, and certainly never preached on. Also that fat chap in New York, the Grandmaster of the St Patrick Pride March who hates Fulton Sheen. He backs us too."

And are the English bishops doing their bit for gay rights, and fighting the battle against bigots, such as the now totally discredited St Paul? Of course they are: many dioceses now have LGBT Pride Masses: Clifton, Salford, Northampton, Nottingham, ... the list is fairly predictable really. It is expected that they will insist on Chick-fil-A providing the catering for their regular LGBT activities. That should keep the gay Mafia happy! Well done, lads!

Blasphemy in Salford

Salford. Inevitably.


  1. I think it's Jack Chicken, but not sure.

  2. Since Jack Chick hated the Catholic Church I suppose it's OK for me to ridicule his wife's name since both she and Jack have died....or is that "speaking ill of the dead"? (They're probably surprised to find themselves in the very CATHOLIC realm of Purgatory, but who am I to judge?). Anyway, her name was Lola Lynn Priddle Chick. I'm assuming she had enough sense to not hyphenate her last name to Priddle-Chick. (I'd add "hahahaha!" but that would not be ecumenical.)

  3. We can just add them to the list. Their website demonstrates where their vaunted faith is, it says they are closed on Sundays because of the "higher ideals" of some of the muckety mucks, but clearly that's not the case. The higher ideals of CFA are $$$.

  4. I hope a young Maccabee person will throw out the offending sodomite symbol from that Church in Salford
