Tuesday 24 December 2019

The Advent Calendar

So, finally, we reach day 24 of Advent, and all the little windows on my spiritually nourishing Advent calendar have been opened.

We see here all that is best in contemporary Catholicism. None of that rigid stuff with Jesus and the Apostles, the Saints, the Martyrs, or the Doctors of the Church - although at least two of the people on the calendar humbly expect to become saints when they die, one is a martyr to flatulence, and two more think they will be doctors of the Church.

Advent calendar

Who can these top Catholics be?

The pictures include two puppets (not counting you, Austen!) and one heathen idol; one pope and two future popes; an expert on human flourishing; the two fattest cardinals since Wolsey; at least two people who are certifiably insane; and a man with a lampshade on his head.

However, the makers of the calendar have excluded all dangerously rigid and merciless Catholics: so no Benedict XVI, no Sarah, no Schneider, no Burke, no Viganò, no Festing, etc. etc.

And a happy Christmas to all readers!


The Eccles crèche, with the unusually large king.


  1. Happy Christ Mass to you to Eccles!

  2. Wishing you a merry & blessed Christmas, Eccles.

  3. is that 2012 Advent? - the year the Mayans said the world would end?
    Happy Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and all here!
    2020 is going to be our year! (she said hopefully)

  5. May you and all your readers have a Happy and Blessed Christmas!

  6. Eccles, enjoyed you for years. Merry Christmas and please let's continue to pray for Bosco.

  7. Thanks Eccles, and a merry Christmas

  8. Christmas greetings, Eccles, from a British ex-pat in balmy -12c Alberta in Canada.

  9. Merry Christmas to Eccles, Bosco, Grate-Anti Moly and all here, and a Happy New Year. Sadly, my non-rigid Advent calendar fell over...
