Friday, 8 July 2011

Grate-Ant Molly

Well, de big news today is de arrival of Grate-Ant Molly from Austriala. Just as I was polishin up Bosco's statues so dat dey were nice and clean for kissin, we gotta phone call from de local plice.
"Does you know a very old lady called Molly Bendite, alias Judy Hate, alias Alfred Hoddack when she aint trimmed her moustashe?"
"Yes," said Bosco, "dat's my Grate-Ant Molly from Austriala."
"Well we got her here in a cell, she is screamin abusse at everyone, callin dem sockpoppets. If you don't take her away we is gonna charge her with vaguerancy."

So we picked up Grate-Ant Molly, who is turned out was comin to see us becuase she repentted her evil ways and wanted to be saved. Or maybe she was just borred. Bosco gave her some gin, and we put her to bed. Dis is what we calls a Christian deed of Charrity, and is only what you expects from someone like Bosco who is saved. Soon we hopes to get her a clown costume and take her to de Calumny Chappel.

Here is a photo of Grate-Ant Molly. She is scowlin at some of de statues of saints dat we keeps in de house.

Grate-Ant Molly

P.S. Bosco gotta crossbow dat he keeps pointin at me. He says it is very easy to have a fattal aciddent. I hopes he takes care.


  1. Oh dear. Missdistress Moly still has not noticed that when you click on a norty rabit sockpuppet, you get transported to the delightful sockpuppet blogue.

    She still thinks she need to tell everyone that the sockpuppet is really the norty rabit. Please tell your daft old aunt she is making an arse of herself. You have a luvly blogue.

  2. Fanks Mr Rabit, I gonna add a link to your sockpuppet blogg when I works out how it is done.

    It aint easy tellin my Anti things, she just dont lissten.
