Wednesday 25 September 2013

Australian priest excommunicated

The Tablet and National Catholic Reporter are outraged by the news that a dissident Australian priest, Father Bill E. Bong, has been excommunicated.

Satanic Mass

Fr Bong refused to use a standard liturgy for the Mass.

In general the Catholic Church is pretty tolerant of dissidents - for example, if you are a politician and you wish to campaign for abortion, euthanasia or same-sex marriage, then it is recognised that the Party is a higher loyalty than God, and you must be permitted to sacrifice your ultimate salvation for your earthly career. However, a slightly higher level of loyalty is expected from deacons, priests, monsignors, bishops, etc.

Pope in hard hat

Fr Bong's threat to "clobber the Pope with a goolagong" was taken seriously.

Said a Vatican spokesman "You wouldn't expect a Catholic priest to associate with ACTA or say things directly in contradiction to Humanae Vitae, although we might turn a blind eye to that sort of behaviour on the old 'wheat and tares' principle. But when Fr Bong said that Satan was the Lord of the Universe, and he was definitely rooting for the old buzzard in the forthcoming battle of Armageddon, then even the CDF felt it had to take notice."

Dawkins and jam

Fr Bong admires Richard Dawkins (seen here drooling over a pot of jam).

So what now for Fr Bong? Perhaps a lucrative contract with the Tablet, where his modern views may be just the thing they're looking for? Or will Roehampton University want him to lecture on "Human Flourishing"? Will Father "Jack" Flannery welcome him to Ireland? Well, perhaps we should leave the last word with the good father himself.

Paul VI made it quite clear that you should follow your conscience. Hic!


  1. Darling eccles - this man will be snapped up by the nuns on the bus xx Jess

  2. Jessica, you could be right. This ex-priest may be the next spiritual guide for the LCWR and the National Catholic Reporter

  3. Darkins is holding a jar of his "Jumping Tetrapod" jam with fairy tails and artificial sweeteners. He's more of a Charlie than Darwin.

  4. As chairperson and High Priestess of the Alderley Edge Townswitches Guild, I must protest at the strident traditionalist Catholic blogs of which this is a prime example.

    We in the ecumenical interfaith movement have no other purpose than to foster a diable-ogue at both Coven and Diocesan levels here in our country in support of the continuing fission of the Catholic Church.

  5. It sounds like Fr. Bong’s theology is like someone’s explanation of the Platypus Duck: “designed by a committee” – a ‘Spirit of Vat II’ committee, of course.

  6. It is disgusting, Sir, to see that this perfectly Traditionalist Satanist has been excommunicated by this Modernist Nu-Coven of café demonists.

  7. Fr Dong said I was only following "rainbow" spirituality and mission theology learnt at the Broken Bay Institute. Satanist's have the oldest living culture in the world and this is our land... we belong to it ! Its our Muvver!
