Wednesday 26 February 2014

The Unbelievers

Learning from the excellent Protect the Pope site that Richard Dawkins's film The Unbelievers has been a total flop, grossing only $14,000 worldwide, this blog has decided to help Richard by providing some publicity for his work. Here are some of the highlights of the movie, a modern Gone with the Windbag, which puts God firmly in His place once and for all!

Dawkins and rabbit

The hero, Richard, has an invisible rabbit, Harvey, as his best friend.

The movie is a subtle blend of comedy, drama and tragedy, as it recounts the story of a learned professor who is keen to promote science and reason. Any resemblance to other identifiable films is purely coincidental.

on the buses

"There's probably no God." Richard goes "on the buses" but loses his selfish jeans.

The Unbelievers features many other leading thinkers of our time, such as Woody Allen, Cameron Diaz, Ricky Gervais and Eddie Izzard, as they pursue a spiritual journey away from God with hilarious consequences!

Annie Hall

Romantic hero Woody Allen buys the complete works of Dawkins for Diane Keaton.

Faith-heads everywhere have been struck with terror, as Richard's dramatic story exposes the fact that all religions are false - stands to reason, doesn't it? - and that a humble biologist knows more than all the theologians who ever lived.

It's stopped! I knew I shouldn't have bought it from a blind watchmaker!

Life is not always straightforward for our hero; for example, thanks to direct intervention from Al-Qaeda, Richard's attempts to tour the world with a pot of honey are thwarted after an unsympathetic airport security officer confiscates it.

Honey I shrunk the kids

Kids, they shrunk my honey!

This film will make you, in turn, laugh, cry, sneeze, fall asleep, throw up, and jump out of the window. No wonder the Vatican refused to show it in their Pius X Cinema!

David Brent

Ricky Gervais demonstrates the liturgical dancing that's so important in modern worship.

Well, a short article like this can only give a flavour of the film which - in the eyes of some commentators - is funnier than Titanic, more romantic than Psycho, and more philosophically profound than Jaws: it treats themes that even Snow White and the Seven Dwarves dared not discuss. You want to see it really, don't you? Don't you? Don't you?


He's BEHIND YOU, Richard!


  1. It may be funnier than Titanic and more daring than Snow White, but is it as short and to the point as Ben Hur or the Ten Commandment?

  2. “I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things lunatics imagine when awake.” --- Descartes.

    Though there was no lack of lunatics in 17th century France or The Netherlands, I suspect Descartes had a premonition of Dawkins.

  3. Typo, Brother: "stands to reason, doesn't it?" should read:"stands to reason, dunnit?"

  4. I prefer non-fiction documentaries.

  5. I liked Darkins' Autobiography "The Blind,what maker?

  6. Darling eccles, I don't believe it :) xx Jess

  7. I once spent an evening with Richard Dawkins and Lalla Ward. It was on a river cruise at a conference where he was a keynote speaker. No one talked to him on the boat, because we were all too busy at the seafood buffet (the Selfish Gene at work), and also he did come across as a rather pompous git. It was a shame, because the conference was full of geeky guys who really wanted to talk to Lalla Ward about Dr Who, but couldn't, because Dawkins stuck to her like glue throughout the evening. They stood at the back of the boat and looked at the city lights. I felt a bit sad for them, but not sad enough to leave the seafood buffet for more than 5 minutes at a time. Lobster like that doesn't just evolve, you know.
