Sunday 2 November 2014

The Synod of Bridlington

As historians know, the twenty-first century was the beginning of the period known as the Dark Ages, a time of intellectual darkness and barbarity. The weather was harsh, and, thanks to a reliance on wind turbines and the energy generated by hamsters running around in little wheels, there were frequent periods when heat and light were no longer available.

hamster in wheel

The solution to an energy crisis.

Britain was subject to waves of invaders from overseas. Some came from Scandinavia in long ships, wearing horned helmets. Others came from Poland, armed with plungers, pipe cutters and wrenches; their only wish being to settle on these islands to unblock drains and mend leaking pipes. Still others came in from Muslim lands, showing a passionate hatred for sausages and women's rights.

Education was in decline. Whereas once all children knew Latin, Greek, advanced calculus, brain surgery, and the kings of Israel and Judah at the age of five, the majority of school-leavers in the twenty-first century were unable to read and write anything except text messages; they used numbers only for operating their mobile phones.

algebra book

No longer a suitable gift for a five-year-old.

Religion was in a parlous state. Christianity was on the verge of dying out, or was being perverted into strange forms in the name of "modernization". It was illegal to refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex couple who wished to hold a "wedding", indeed it was even considered "extremist" to disagree with their redefinition of marriage. Catholic bishops had affairs with married women, the Anglicans allowed bishops to divorce and remarry, and the Baptists didn't even have bishops to show them how to behave.

Of the dreadful year of 2014, the monks wrote in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, Ye power of ye Magick Circkle cometh not to an end, and a group of demons calling itself ACTA wieldeth influence in ye lande. In other news, ye Pope in Rome hath decreed that ye feast of Alle Saintes shall be on ye first day of November, yet ye rascally bishops, led, so they say, by ye mischievous Cardinal Nickels, have chosen to move it to the Sundaye. And now a quick look at ye weather: it is expected to be cold and dark for the next 200 years.


Ye synod starteth at Bridlington.

In the end, another synod was called, at the Yorkshire town of Bridlington, so that the Catholic Church in England and Wales might agree on the date of All Saints (they had originally planned to hold the meeting in Whitby, as on an earlier occasion, but all the hotels were booked up). The Scottish church did not participate: they were loyal to the pope, and celebrated All Saints on the 1st November; besides, they were more interested in what came after, namely the day of "A' Souls", named in honour of Alexander yclept Salmon.

Salmond is smitten

The Lord smiteth Alexander yclept Salmon.

So Catholicism in England and Wales stood on the brink: would it show loyalty to Pope Francis the Humble, or to Cardinal Nichols the Cunning? Would a new St Hilda emerge to put to flight the forces of rebellion? Er, well, ...


  1. Smart move to have the synod meet in Bridlington, the least eroded seaside town on the Holderness coastline. An earlier synod in Mappleton was washed into the sea. Some blamed the fragility of the boulder clay cliffs whileother blamed the devil and Cardinal Kasper. GCSE Religious Geography question (2014 Summer May/June paper): Are synods on the Holderness Coast more successful using hard or soft engineering techniques? Discuss.

  2. The EU declared " No Saints" and 50/50 Lotto called it Saints Foundation. Meanwhile, New Orleans Saints changed their date to 31st October and were rewarded with a victory over an attack of Panthers.

  3. Alexander Salmon will be going into hospital this weekend to have a massive yellow tumor growing from his forehead. It has the very significant black polygonal patches that necessitate immediate removal.

  4. Pope Francis has just canonized all the poor and marginalized people - the sick, the refugees, the orphans, the unemployed, the homeless, the drug addicts, the homosexuals, the handicapped, the ugly, the divorced and remarried, the bald, those needing facelifts, those needing a bath, those needing iphones...they are the poor. They have all become saints now. And since "the poor will always be with you," All Saints Day henceforth will be "always" - as in, everyday.

    1. Canonisation was abolished in 1983 and replaced with CONanisation.

  5. Oh Marie! "Blessed are the bald." You have made an old tattered rabit very happy.

  6. Bridlington is fine and budget airline Bramair can fly them in to nearby Whitby ...

  7. I see that your old friend Louise Mensch is in the news again. She has described the handing down of a 20 year jail sentence of a youth, who stabbed his teacher to death at Corpus Christi school, as both unjust and unscientific. I wonder if she will also be telling that youth not to receive Holy Communion again until he has repented of the murder he committed.
