Sunday 29 March 2015

In support of our priests, our families, and our Church

A serious post, for only the second time ever. The first time was this.

I have been asked the post the following message.


You may have seen the recent letter from more than 450 priests in support of the Church’s teaching on marriage.

We would like to invite you to sign the letter below, to be sent to the press in support of them, and to encourage others to sign it.

To sign, please leave your name and your diocese in the comments box below, or if you prefer email them to me or to one of the coordinators:

Mark Lambert ( or Andrew Plasom-Scott (

The Letter:

Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, wish to endorse and support the letter signed by over 450 priests in the recent edition of the Catholic Herald, As laity, we all know from our own family experiences, or those of our friends and neighbours, the harrowing trauma of divorce and separation, and we sympathise with all those in such situations.
It is precisely for that reason that we believe that the Church must continue to proclaim the truth about marriage, given us by Christ in the Gospels, with clarity and charity in a world that struggles to understand it.
For the sake of those in irregular unions, for the sake of those abandoned and living in accordance with the teachings of the Church, and above all for the sake of the next generation, it is essential that the Church continues to make it quite clear that sacramental marriage is indissoluble until death.
We pray, and expect, that our hierarchy will represent us, and the Church’s unwavering teaching, at the Synod this autumn.
Yours faithfully,


  1. And a rood and norty rabit would like to add his second serious comment ever (the first was a small correction on a point about donkeys in liturgical arrangements.) Rabit has just signed the letter and would urge everyone to do so. The cardinal who objected to the original letter signed by 500 priests has no authority over priests outside his own diocese and it is time that Canon Law was understood better, particularly by cardinals. It is time for the faithful to hold to the clearly stated doctrine of the Church and joyfully express their conformity to it. Not that this will ever be a story on the BBC Radio 4 'Sunday' programme, until the Tablet director is removed as front man and some semblance of "BBC impartiality" is introduced.

    1. Hear, hear! And Canon 212 assures the right and even the duty of the laity to tell our pastors what we think and to let other faithful know.

  2. Well, I am not just outside his diocese, but outside his country - are Amercians welcome to sign the letter of support?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)

    1. I'm not sure, but I hope so. Send an e-mail to Mark Lambert, and see how he responds.

    2. Well I too live well outside the country. It is quite difficult to get more "outside" the UK than Australia! I have already made several comments about this issue and I have no hesitation in keeping on doing so. Cardinal "Knickers" and the rest of the Magic Circle are a disgrace but I do see the odd chinks of hope appearing here and there.

    3. I have actually received an email from Mark Lambert since I did not include my diocese when I sent him my (slightly altered version) of his letter. He asked me for my diocese but when I told him that I had deliberately avoided that because of my domain, his reply was to say "Thanks very much. All welcome"
      So there you have it.

  3. I'd like to sign.

    David Konietzko
    Archdiocese of Hamburg (Germany)

  4. Email sent to Bruvver Eccles's alter ego

    1. I don't have any alteri nos (note clever use of Latin plural there), at least none that you can e-mail. I am in contact with both ML and APS, although they aren't my sockpoppets.

  5. Signed,

    Johan Oliveire
    Archdiocese of Port of Spain
    (Trinidad and Tobago)

  6. Signed,

    Velle Mere Lyons
    Diocese of Orlando (USA)

  7. I endorse the above letter.
    Deacon Robert P. Federle
    Diocese of Oakland, California

  8. Thanks for posting this, and thanks to all who have signed. I have collected the names of those who have signed and asked your blog to email new comments to me.

    We will stop collecting signatures on Easter Sunday, and send the letter to the Catholic Herald on Monday. We hope to match the 451 priests, and are nearly there.

    Have a blessed Easter.
