Monday 29 July 2019

Anglican church tries a "God" experiment

This summer, the Reverend Francis Heppenstall, Anglican Vicar of Twing, has decided to try something new in order to attract congregations to his church. Instead of touristy gimmicks, he is planning to conduct a new type of service in which Christianity will play a major part.

Rochester Cathedral

Out go the crazy golf courses. In comes God!

The Church of England's main role, since the Reformation, has been to make it easier for people to divorce their wives and, if necessary, to behead them, but it has always tried to focus on FUN as well (after all, Henry VIII was a keen crazy golf player, as well as a sex maniac). That future saint, John Henry Newman, in his Anglican days, published various tracts on "Let's take religion seriously," but in the end he gave up his Anglican mission and became a Catholic instead.

Norwich Cathedral

Out go the helter skelters. Is nothing sacred?

Said Mr Bertram Wooster, a parishioner of Father Heppenstall, "The jolly old Anglican in the pew wants more than just funfairs and circuses; so we have asked old Heppers to liven up things with his forty-five minute sermon on Brotherly Love. That's the sort of thing to give the troops!"

It will be interesting to see whether this new "God" experiment will succeed in attracting the crowds back to Anglicanism. Many have already joined Cardinal Newman in the Catholic Church, where clown Masses, puppet Masses, and LGBT Masses are providing the spiritual nourishment they require. Heppenstall does have the surprising backing of Giles Fraser, the celebrity "loose canon," who is also considering the introduction of hymns and prayers as an alternative to coconut shies and "pin the tail on the donkey." It seems possible, therefore, that this innovation may catch on: we'll keep you informed.

Lichfield Cathedral

An end to lunar gimmicks in our ancient cathedrals?


  1. Dear Eccles. One wonders whether you (who have close contacts with "Movers 'N' Shakers in T'Catholic World". Innit ?) would have the Prayers for The Blessing of a "Niblick" ?

    I fancy going down to Rochester Cathedral for a few hefty swings !!! Oh, dear. Another idea for putting something into the Nave (instead of Parishioners) !!!

    Rock on, Tommy !!!

  2. Dear Eccles. Further to your outstanding recent Article ("Anglican Church tries a "God" experiment"), reference Rochester Cathedral putting a Crazy Golf Course in The Nave of Rochester Cathedral, presumably to try and encourage an upsurge in Church attendances, I have stumbled across a "Copy Cat" idea from Wells Cathedral.

    I promise you that you will NOT believe me, but it is true. (Link given at the end, in case you do not believe me).

    Wells Cathedral have now got, until 11 August 2019, an Exhibition of Radiators, Swings, and Deer Antlers (very big) throughout the Cathedral. Presumably, like Rochester Cathedral, the idea is to increase attendances at their "Services" ???

    For all The Unbelievers, the above can be verified at

    Have a look under "Wells Art Contemporary (WAC) at Wells Cathedral".


    You wait until His Holiness in Rome sees this !!!

    (I was terribly impressed with The Radiators, actually. New Testament, or Old Testament, is hard to say.)

    1. I found this link:
