Friday 2 October 2020

Amy is the wrong sort of Catholic

So, RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, the one who ate broken bottles, killed rats with her teeth, wore barbed wire next to the skin, and was strongly suspected of turning into a werewolf at the time of the full moon (as P.G. Wodehouse would have put it). Who can possibly replace you?

Well, it would have to be a lawyer, and other good boxes to tick are (1) being female or possibly gender-fluid, (2) being black or at least not white, (3) being a socialist, anarchist, or at least a liberal, (4) having no perceptible religion that might influence how you live your life, although atheism would of course be optimal.

So who do they get to replace Aunt Ruth? Amy Coney Barrett! She ticks Box 1, but not the others.

The Barretts meet Trump

The most evil family in the world?

Problem 1. She is a Catholic.

Solution 1: No problem really. After all, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are Catholics! It's just a label, which may attract some voters. You don't have to make a religion of it! Just turn up at church once a year for a photo-opportunity with a bishop. Otherwise, you can campaign on LGBT issues and push abortion to limits that even King Herod would have been embarrassed about.

Problem 2. Oh, but she does make a religion of it. She's strongly pro-life.

Solution 2. Awkward.

Problem 3. Still, you can't be pro-life unless you follow the "seamless garment" philosophy. You won't catch her adopting kids, especially not black kids; I don't imagine she does anything charitable. Not like Joe Biden who gave 3 dollars to charity last year, even if it was tax-deductible. And I'll bet she would abort a Downs kid without thinking - what a hypocrite, eh?

Solution 3. Actually, she's adopted two black Haitians and has a Downs kid.

Problem 4. Gotcha! Cultural imperialism. I'll bet she chains the black kids up at night and sends them into the fields to pick cotton during the day time. And a Downs kid! What a sadist! She just likes to see him suffer.

Barrett family

Slavery. Or sadism. Or racism. Or something.

Solution 4. No, they seem to be a happy well-balanced family. No drug addicts, no mysterious money from Ukraine.

Problem 5. Well, she's obviously a white supremacist then. Don't worry, we'll find something against her. Probably she touched someone inappropriately 30 years ago.

Solution 5. Like Biden did last week, you mean?

No, no, no! Biden is a Democrat. He can do no wrong! Amy is a Republican, and so EVIL EVIL EVIL.


  1. You skipped solution 4 and problem 5

  2. When comparing someone such as ACB to, say, someone such as AOC the person doing the comparison must keep their eyes and, particularly, their minds, open.
    What at first appears to be "good" when, after much deep and circumlocutional thought, provided the proper nuancing, may turn out to be, as you say, "evil, evil, evil." Therefore, despite all appearances, ACB must faall into the category opposite what appearances deceive.
    On the other hand what at first appears "evil," hooves, tail, horns may, upon further and muddled reflection, really be "good," and so, say AOC despite holding "values" that on the surface aren't so much values as deplorable opinions, may then be seen as a creaation of the Lord and viewed as "good."
    It is the nuancing folks, like nuanceypelozi, a "goodcatholic."

  3. Ah, for goodness sake, Trump=Hitler. That's pathetic. And a terrible insult to the latter's victims, not least Bonhoeffer. Then again, you seem to be claiming special insight and can read minds, so maybe I'm wrong. By the way, have you forgotten that he's married to a Catholic? Even assuming your mind-reading of his cynicism is correct, doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is preferable to those doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.

    Or maybe he just needs to get closer to the community of the faithful, like Biden, Pelosi et al.

  4. While Amy is a Catholic (='Izzacatholic') Joe is an 'Azzacatholic', as in 'Azzacatholic, I don't agree with Catholic teaching on [fill in current progressive obsessions of secularists]'. There are plenty of the latter to choose from, especially among politicians!

  5. Well Bruvver -- if Judge Amy lacks sufficient "expansiveness of mind" to be in favour of "some form of world authority regulated by law", then she cannot possibly be such a good Cathlic as de Pop.

    After all, she should "promote more effective world organizations, equipped with the power to provide for the global common good". (hmmmm, wonder why de Pop used "good" rather than "purpose" ?)

    Mustn't ever in any case be such a bad Cathlic as that Saint Augustine fellow !! He's the one "who forged a concept of ‘just war’ that we no longer uphold in our own day" !! Off to the naughty corner that bad, bad, bad Church Father, who would have been well advised to read Laudato Sì before writing that silly City of God not-properly-Cathlic thing.

    Desmond Tutu, and Mahatma Gandhi are of course better Cathlics than he ever was, and de Pop rightly props them up on the empty pedestal that that white stale male bloke from Hippo was rightly toppled from.

  6. Amy C. Barrett is in with a good chance. More challenging is the semi-final between Aunt Ruth B. Gin vs. gin-guzzlin' Anti Moly.

  7. I didn't describe you as pathetic, but your notion that Trump is equivalent to Hitler, an echo of a leftist calumny, ironically reminiscent of Goebbel's claim that the bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed. It would be absurd not to be certain that Trump is not in the least like Hitler.
