Monday, 21 December 2020

Hark! The Herald's writers sing

A little Christmas carol to commemorate the Catholic Herald's cutting its ties with Mary Kenny, Fr John Zuhlsdorf and Fr Dominic Allain, to complete its transformation into a less intellectual version of HELLO.

Editor Dan Hitchens can only gasp in amazement, since from now on its owner, William Cash, is expected to publish more articles of the I'm not a Catholic but hey! aren't chasubles cool? variety, together with the probing analysis of Cash's Auntie Doris's postman, Not many people know who that dame with the baby is on the Christmas stamps, and Cash's old mate Major "Blotto" Smythe-Farquharson-Vodka's contribution I've always been scared of gargoyles since one fell on my head.

The important thing is Cash.
Hark! The Herald's writers sing,
"William Cash, where is thy sting?"
Catholics all sent away:
Father Z and Mary K.
Torkington and Allain too
Now have met their Waterloo.
Holy Smoke and Coppen fled,
Hitchens just a figurehead.

Hark! The Herald's writers sing,
"William Cash, where is thy sting?"


  1. So they're still calling it the Catholic Herald, eh? Puts them in the same dumpster, er, bin, with the National [c]atholic Reporter here in the good old U.S.A., I suppose. (You know, the one Father Z calls the "Fishwrap.") It's hard to keep up.
    Hope all is well over in Twitterverse. I've been trying to fast from that since Advent started. Wish me luck.

  2. NB They recently featured Prue Leith the TV cookery expert, who subsequently came out (yet again) in support of assisted suicide...
