This is the spiritual journey of me, Eccles, my big brother Bosco, and my Grate-Anti Moly. Eccles is saved, but we've got real problems with Bosco and Anti.
Sunday, 25 December 2022
An unreligious baggage writes about Christmas
A guest post from Apollyon Toynbee of the Guardian.
Christmas comes with good cheer. The tragedy is the religious baggage.
I love Christmas! It's the time of year that all we Guardian writers
are filled with good cheer, as we migrate to our villas in Tuscany
and take part in all the usual traditions. Hot cross buns! Easter eggs! Drinking ourselves sensible!
I watch "It's a pretty rotten life",
that movie in which a rich capitalist decides to kill himself, and we all
cheer him on. (I turn off before the last bit, which is about a fascist creature called
an angel, who stops him.)
I also watch "A Christmas Carol" in a special feminist version in which Ms. Scroogy goes to Bob Snatchit's House and
steals all his food becase he is a SEXIST PIG.
No religion in any of these films, you will notice!
No, it's the attempt by Christians to hijack the event with their nonsense
about a baby being born in Nazareth, or wherever it was. Why, they've even hijacked the
"Christmas", deciding to call their imaginary baby "Christ". I haven't gone into
this in detail, but it seems that they also worship other imaginary children called East and Pente!
My atheist great-grandfather, Gilbert N. Sullivan, a classical scholar and also president of the humanists, called Christmas “Mithras' birthday”, because Jesus usurped this winter festival from him. (Hang on, Eccles, she really said that!)
Of course the shops refused to sell him Mithras' Birthday cards, which just goes to show the level of bigotry in
our society.
And don't get me onto the subject of the three "kings" bringing gold, frankincense and myrrh, when - so they tell me -
ordinary citizens can't afford these luxuries and
have to rely on myrrh banks! I blame Rishi Sunak.
In general, I am very tolerant of religions, provided that they are practised behind
closed doors where nobody can see them. (And no cheating by making silent prayers
in the streets! My friends in the Police have stocked up
with tear gas, rubber
bullets and tasers, just in case anyone tries to pray while thinking - or do I mean tries to think while praying?)
The anti-prayer task force has spotted a lady praying silently!
No, at this time of year I show my religious sensitivity by wishing all
my Muslim friends a "Happy Hanukkah", since I know that in their gurdwaras they
are celebrating that moment - sacred to them at least - when Krishna did whatever it is he did.
Admittedly, they sometimes utter a discreet "Ali Baba!" ("God is great") as they go about their
traditional stabbing activities, but we can overlook such solecisms because we all believe in diversity!
Confucius he say "This is brilliant, Polly!"
Christianity is the worst, though. I dug into the Guardian bag of insults and out came
"homophobic", "transphobic", "pro-life", "preaching" and "smashing and decapitating a vast statue of Athena".
So there we are!
Give me the badly behaved quarrelsome gods of Valhalla, the Greeks and Romans. (Hang on, Eccles, she really said that as well!)
But worst of all, is the fact that organized religion has robbed us of the right to bump off Grandad when
he's being a nuisance (The "right to die"). A lot of these do-gooders wear crosses - an instrument of torture -
but whenever I suggest to them that I should be allowed to crucify Grandad Gilbert, who has a nasty
dose of arthritis, they hurriedly change the subject.
So Christmas comes with good cheer, enjoy it. But know that it also comes with grandparents - I mean,
religious baggage - that we should shed!
Will this do? I have recycled some of the best bits from my 2006, 2015, 2019 and 2021 articles on the subject, but
there are one or two new bits as well. Apollyon.
From the desk of Katharine Viner (Editor). Not bad, Polly, but couldn't you have mentioned the fact that Christianity was invented by bronze age goatherds like
C.S. Lewis (I think it was)? Love, Kathy.
but couldn't you have mentioned the fact that Christianity was invented by bronze age goatherds like C.S. Lewis (I think it was)?
ReplyDeleteHa, ha - a very Merry Christmas!
You probably know this, Eccles, but through his mother, Gilbert Murray really was related to W.S. Gilbert. As, therefore, is Polly Toynbee. Come on, there must be a post in there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteHere's a couple of serious ones: Nurse Edith Cavell (who is already a saint in the Anglican calendar) and Dame Cicely Saunders