This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Thursday 21 March 2024

Pagans in Communion Conference

Yes, presented by, it's the conference for all whose pagan leanings have been affected by Catholicism!

Catholic in Communion

Nothing to do with this event, honest!

If you are a Pagan formerly associated with or affected by Catholicism, or are seeking to understand the effects of Catholicsm on our Pagan faith, then this conference is for you!

We feel your pain. Rigid Catholics who use words like "sin", "redemption" and "Christ" can cause untold distress to good Pagans such as ourselves, and it is important for us to have a conference as a way of giving each other support.

Martin and Biden

Two keynote speakers!

Yes, we are honoured to welcome Joe Biden, part-time president of the United States, who will give a keynote address on the subject of "Urgle burgle who am I splunge where's the ice-cream?" explaining how he was traumatized when a Catholic told him that killing babies was wrong.

We shall also be hearing from Fr James Martin LGBTSJ, author of "Are you gay? If not, why not?" - a manual for seminarians.

Stonehenge pagans

We shall hold synod-style bonding sessions!

We shall obviously play down the religious side of our beliefs - it is much more important to focus on OURSELVES rather than GOD - but we shall certainly sing a few happy songs (we don't use the h-word these days!) such as "All are welcome", "Gather us in", "On eagle's wings", etc.

As we meditate on just how horrible Catholicism is, we shall discuss the wonders of alternative beliefs, such as in Pachamama or the following message, seen at King's Crescent Railway Station.

King's Cross

The Stations of the Crescent - a lesson to us all.

Actually, some of us are a little unhappy with using words like "sinners", so there will be a trigger warning on this, and those likely to be offended may wish to miss out on this session. We are now trying to persuade the station to display more friendly messages such as "Remember, you are perfect already!"

Anyway, we are not here simply to moan about Catholicism, we will be partying as well! One of our keynote speakers, Blase Cupich, has donated some birthday cake, and all are welcome to share it (except Arthur Roche, who has his own cake).


This gluten-free, vegan and climate-friendly cupcake is also guaranteed Catholic-free!

LATE NEWS: Some orthodox Catholics have been detected trying to gatecrash our conference. All future bookings must be accompanied by a letter of support from either (a) a Jesuit; (b) Austen Ivereigh; or (c) Someone who writes for "Where Peter Is".


  1. Thank you for your kind support. When I hear about those nasty c___olics speaking as if they know something, I am, of course, distraught! I was so pleased to see this wonderful conference you've advertized! How are the flights to that area? I'll have to book one soon. The bonding session especially calls to my spirit, as does the cake.

  2. I object to the non-inclusive language in the hadith. It should read "Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve.. ". If that was good enough for a self-described dinosaur like CS Lewis, it should be good enough for…
    (Not that I'm criticizing the prophet of Islam, mind you, an act that could land you in prison where I am…)

  3. Emperor Caligula22 March 2024 at 09:04

    Wow. We're still going. I knew that my cult would win.

  4. I bet Farver Arfur will be gorging on hot tick buns next week !!

  5. Your satire would be funny if it actually reflected what the conference was actually about

  6. Your pagan mytopia sounds great!
