Inappropriate wear for a religious service.
Fr Finigan reported the ringleader, 62-year-old Kathy Jefferts Schori, to her parents, but apparently the girl has always been regarded as "wild", and little could be done.
Worse was to follow, as some boys then took the place of the girls, and they were also dressed completely inappropriately.
No, no, no! The pantomime is at the Theatre Royal!
St Austin's, Margate, is generally known for its excellent academic perfomance, although discipline may sometimes be a problem. Our final picture shows some of the girls leaping in the air in traditional fashion, to celebrate their brilliant A level results.
"I got A* in everything except theology!"
Every one knows that if you don't wear the right black shoes the learning process will be impeded. At St Trinians we always wore regulation shoes and blazers.