This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Saturday 16 March 2024

How Catholics should celebrate Ramadan

As we all know, "Ramadan" is just the Arabic word for "Lent", and it should be celebrated in that spirit, as several great Catholic leaders of our time have pointed out. First came Cardinal Dolan.

Dolan the Muslim

Ramadan is a holy season and Muslims set us a good example.

Sounds uncontroversial, doesn't it? We simply need to celebrate as the Muslims do. After all "Allahu Akbar" sounds very like "Alleluia" so we can sing either of these. Or, better still, shout them at people we meet in the street.

Personally, I try not to eat during the daytime but have a big blow-out after dusk. A huge plate of hot crescent buns, for example.

Dolan eating

Cardinal! Don't you realise it's Ramadan?

Then we come to Cardinal Cupich, who would not be seen dead participating in a traditional Latin Mass, but is as happy celebrating Ramadan as he is in one of Fr James Martin's LGBTSJ-friendly happenings.

Cupich the Muslim

Let's all attend Novus Ordo Iftars!

Finally, let's see what the relevant dicastery (the word means "circus" these days) has to say. Unfortunately, their ecumenical efforts only merit 5/10, as they refer to "Muslims" as "Museums", probably having Christianity's Sea of Gallery in mind.

Still, they have already received a letter of thanks from Tristram Hunt, Director of the Victoria and Albert museum.

Dialogue is always a good replacement for worship.

So where does this feast of inter-religious dialogue leave us? I can see only one way of dealing with this: ENCOURAGE THE MUSLIMS TO BE SYNODAL. All they need to do is to get a bunch of self-styled experts to sit in a large room and bore each other to death.

Meanwhile, our own Synod (theme: "a kenotic decentering as a new way of being Church") is now destined to drag on until 2025, or even later.

Endless Synod

Deo Gratias!


  1. I'm waiting with baiting breath for "Year of Something something, Synod 2035". That's when it'll happen. Trust me bro.

    Either that, or a lovely little syllabus of errors to correct the ridiculousness of the past 3 / 5 / 11/ 60 /150 years.

    In the meantime Rupnik's artwork wherever found should be treated with a blowtorch.

  2. Considering how excellent your work usually is I am not exaggerating when I say this is one of the best posts you have ever made.
    You are definitely saved!

  3. Sadly as this farce of a "Pontificate" continues, this is less and less funny.

  4. Synodah Assemblu Akbar bruvver !!

  5. It’s amazing how they want us to take part in a false religion’s holiday, but I’m not hearing much about to observe a good and holy Lent ourselves…

  6. In Jakarta, I join Iftar if the food is free.
