This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Fr James Martin finally "comes out"

It was long suspected from his lifestyle and the way he dresses; it will dismay many of his supporters, who still had confidence in him. However, we must admit that it is becoming increasingly common, among Catholic priests, as well as the laity.

Every year there are numerous marches and political campaigns on this issue, which irritate so many people. Even priests and bishops have been known to take part. But the movement seems to be unstoppable, and Fr James Martin SJ has finally nailed his colours to the mast.

tweet about Trudeau

Yes, Father James is pro-life!

Well, we on this blog are very broad minded, and we have come to accept the "love that dare not speak its name" - the preference for happy smiling babies to dismembered corpses. Fr James's own orientation has our full sympathy.

Of course, it was not always entirely clear which way Fr James swung. His preference for Hillary Clinton, the supporter of the Planned Parenthood "get your baby parts here, folks, and help make the lovely Mary Gatter an extremely rich woman" organization, was a little surprising. Still, we must remember that the alternative was Donald Trump, who is of course literally Adolf Hitler!

James Martin looking lik a priest

The flamboyant black and white costume is a bit of a giveaway!

Will other Catholic priests now come out, as Fr James has done? In the Vatican, there is said to be a large "pro-life" Mafia, although it is hard to see exactly where Pope Francis lies, following his suspiciously close relationship with Emma Bonino.

Well, our apologies for yet another post on the weird and wonderful James Martin SJ, theologian extraordinary, member of the friends of Canaanite women, builder of bridges, etc. But this bombshell could hardly be kept secret, and since "coming out" Fr James has been overwhelmed both by messages of support and by hateful misopedic abuse.

silly tweet about Holy Spirit

Still... as for his theology...


  1. He would have difficulty in translating that into French as 'spirit'/'l'esprit' is masculine!

  2. Had to look up the word 'misopedic' - never heard of it. Wasn't in my Oxford Reference Dictionary or my Merriam Webster. The meaning (finally obtained by googling it) 'hatred of children so great that it demands action' certainly is appropriate for these abortion advocates.

  3. And it came to pass that a priest, who was not a monk and therefore never cast his eyes to the ground (this was "not Christian" said the Great Leader), passed on. And God saith unto him, "Where is the cross I gave you that day?" And (let's call him James) James replied, "I do not know." And the Lord saith: "Please step below."
