This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Monday 26 August 2024

Cupich is asked to install abortion chapel in Holy Name Cathedral

Following his successful participation in the Democratic National Convention last week, Cardinal Blase Cupich, known to regular readers as twice winner of the World Cup of Bad Cardinals, has been requested to import some of the features of the DNC to his own cathedral of Holy Name, Chicago.


"In the words of Our Lord, 'Orange Man Bad, Cackling Hyena Good!'"

One of the features of the DNC that proved most interesting was the abortion van, supplied by Planned Dead Child Parenthood. It had also been hoped that the DNC would provide a euthanasia/assisted suicide booth (after hearing the speeches, many were heard to ask "Do I have to carry on living?") However, it was felt by some people that the chances of Joe Biden wandering in by mistake, thinking it was an ice-cream parlour, were too great.

However, both an abortion chapel and a euthanasia chapel are possible features that could be incorporated into Holy Name Cathedral, assuming that the cardinal (and, presumably, the dean) agree. After all, many Americans described as devout Catholics consider these to be perfectly acceptable elements of healthcare.

Chicago cathedral

As will be seen, there are several places that could be improved by the removal of unnecessary altars and the addition of healthcare facilities.


  1. He could probably convert all of the unused confessionals into those new "features".

  2. Sigh...Not yet heard is a squeak or squawk from the USCCB/DNC/GOP/Uniparty in regards to Cardinal Cupich's pseudo-prayer. Kyrie eleison. Keep the Faith.
    P.S. As they say in Chicago: Vote early & often.

  3. Or maybe, as with the jolly and tolerant old pagans, they could simply adapt the altar for human sacrifice?
