This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Sunday 2 April 2023

The last eight saints

We have reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup of Uncrowned Saints, and because Elon Musk, in his wisdom, is changing the rules of Twitter polls, this may be the last one we run. It also has to be completed by Easter Saturday.

So - unless we can find a way round this - no more world cups of bad hymns (Lord of the Dance), bad cardinals (Cupich), ugly churches (St Francis de Sales, Norton Shores, Michigan), instruments from Hell (vuvuzela) etc. etc.

So we'll use this post to record the results of the final rounds of the (last?) Twitter World Cup.

Pope Leo XIII v Fulton Sheen

Pope Leo XIII 61.8 v Fulton Sheen 38.2

Leo takes it, surprisingly easily. Well, they are both very strong candidates, whatever Cardinal Dolan thinks.

Chesterton v Karl I

G.K. Chesterton 51.8 v Karl I of Austria 48.2

The lead changed hands several times, but finally GKC won the contest. The vote was 52-48, but all requests for a second "people's vote" that might give a different answer will be rejected.

Pius XII v Benedict XVI

Pope Pius XII 58.9 v Pope Benedict XVI 41.1

Experience tells, as the old campaigner beats the newcomer in the Pope v Pope quarter-final.

Thomas à Kempis v Lefebvre

Thomas à Kempis 51.4 v Marcel Lefebvre 48.6

A lot of SSPX fans voted in earlier rounds, but Tom managed to scrape through this time.

Semi-finals (starting on Easter Sunday).

Pope Leo XIII 71.7 v Pope Pius XII 28.3

A "two popes" semi-final. Leo takes this, surprisingly easily, and declares himself "fighting fit" as the final approaches.

G.K. Chesterton 47.6 v Thomas à Kempis 52.4

A "two writers" semi-final. A close match, and Thomas heads for the final, leaving GKC to contest the bronze halo.


Pope Pius XII 55.6 v G.K. Chesterton 44.4

Pius takes the bronze halo. John Cornwell bites his leg off in embarrassment.


Pope Leo XIII 64.1 v Thomas à Kempis 35.9

A surprisingly easy win for Leo. Gold halo for him, and silver for Thomas.


  1. I vote for Leo XIII; Karl I; Pius XII; Thomas à Kempis

    1. I agree with you Anonymous

  2. I vote for Teilhard de Chardin.

  3. I vote for Fulton Sheen; Karl of Austria; Benedict XVI; and Thomas a Kempis,

  4. My votes: Leo Xlll; G.K. Chesterton; Pius Xll; Marcel Lefebvre. I cast votes on my guess of who has been waiting longest, with the exception of Lefebvre, a personal favorite of mine.

  5. Thomas A Kempis, Ven. Fulton Sheen, Chesterton and Pope Pius

  6. Now to comment we have to jump through Google hoops. It's ridiculous and deterrs free comment.

    1. Thanks for pointing this out. I haven't changed anything, so it must be another step in Google's World Domination programme.

  7. I vote for Ven Fulton Sheen, Bl Karl, Pope Pius XII and Arbp Marcel

  8. No Cardinal Roche.... he's been dead for ages

  9. Semifinals: Leo Xlll GK Chesterton
