This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Saturday 8 July 2023

The last 8 royal saints

The results of the final rounds of the World Cup of Royal Saints will be posted here as we have them.

Quarter-finals, starting on July 11th.

Elizabeth of Hungary 61.1 v Charlemagne 38.9

A surprisingly easy win for the Hungarian nurse, putting to flight the mighty emperor.

St Margaret of Scotland 48.3 v Stephen I of Hungary 51.7

Well, the Hungarians are walking away with this, but at least this one was very close.

Jadwiga of Poland 64.5 v Charles (Karl) I of Austria 35.5

The Poles managed to drum up a massive support for the lesser-known Jadwiga. Will she go all the way?

Louis IX of France 52.3 v Edward the Confessor 47.7

Another close round, and the plucky English boy goes out.

Semi-finals, starting on July 19th.

Elizabeth of Hungary 51.7 v Louis IX of France 48.3

By a very narrow margin the Hungarian girl casts down French hopes of a victory for "les bleus".

Stephen I of Hungary 35.6 v Jadwiga of Poland 64.4

The Poles continue to muster their army of supporters, and Stephen is swept away.

Third place playoff.

Louis IX of France 46.4 v Stephen I of Hungary 53.6

Big Steve takes the BRONZE.


Elizabeth of Hungary 24.3 v Jadwiga of Poland 75.7

The Polish army sweeps the board. GOLD for Jad, and SILVER for Liz.

Details of the last eight.

Elizabeth of Hungary

Elizabeth of Hungary. C13 princess, saint.

St Margaret of Scotland

St Margaret of Scotland. C11 queen, saint.

St Jadwiga

Jadwiga of Poland. C14 monarch, saint.

St Louis

Louis IX of France. C13 king, saint.

Edward the Confesor

Edward the Confessor. C11 English king, saint.

Emperor Karl I

Charles (Karl) I of Austria. C19/20 emperor, blessed.

Stephen I of Hungary

Stephen I of Hungary. C10/11 king, saint.


Charlemagne. C8/9 emperor, beatified.


  1. Ye Eppistle of Cottrell

    I.1 For yea, it shall be proclaimed to the Yorkites
    2 Of whatsoever collour or gender they may be
    3 Thatte we are notte of the biggottes
    4 And even less so of the raycists
    5 Nor verily of the homophobes
    6 And notte of the misogynists eitherre.
    7 For lette it be proclaimed
    8 That where we see a committed,
    9 Stable, faithful relationship
    10 Between two people of the same sex,
    11 Or evenne forsoothe between three, or fourre, or many,
    12 Howsoever thatte these things may be condemned by Scripptures thatte I do notte like.

  2. 13 I now proclaimme to ye
    14 Thatte those people can be welcomed fully into the life of the Church,
    15 Notte accordingge to Christ's Commaundements
    16 Nor verily accordiungge to biggotted Bible verses
    17 Butte only on their terms and followwingge their personal preffererences,
    18 Andde indeede inclinaytions andde imagiunaytions,
    19 And whatte couldde possibly go wrongge ?
    20 For I know the wordde ‘father’ is problemmatique
    21 For those whoose exxperiensce of earthly fathers
    22 Has been destructtive and abyewsive
    23 And for all of us who have laboured rather too much
    24 From an oppressively patriarchal grip on life.
    25 Down the Patriarrchy !!
    26 Down the Father !!
    27 All blessède be The Holy LGBT !!

  3. 28 In the Nayme of the Abinary, Agender, Ambigender, Androgyne, Androgynos, Androgynous, Aporagender, Autigender, Bakla, Bigender, Binary, Bissu, Butch, Calabai, Calalai, Cis, Cisgender,
    29 and yea also in that of ye personal identity and gender correspondding with ye sexxe assigned at birth, Cis female, Cis male, Cis man, Cis woman, Demi-boy, Demiflux, Demigender, Demi-girl, Demi-guy, Demi-man, Demi-woman, Dual gender, Endosex, Eunuch, Faʻafafine, Female, Female to male, Femme, FTM, Gender bender, Gender creative, Gender diverse, Gender gifted,
    30 Andde the Genderfluid, defynned as a gendder identittye thatte is atte tymes more masculynne or feminynne, and atte tymes feelingge more lyke a manne or womanne,
    31 For yea lette it notte be saidde that I, Cottrell the Yorkite, be a transphobbe,
    32 Ye Genderflux, Genderfuck, Genderless, Gendervague, Gender nonconforming, Genderqueer, Gender questioning, Gender variant, Graygender, Hijra,
    33 Ye Intergender, defynned as an identittye somewhatte between male and female, whatsowever thatte shouldst meanne,
    34 Intersex, Ipsogender, Kathoey, Male, Male to female, Man, Man of trans experience, Maverique, MTF, Multigender, Muxe, Neither, Neurogender, Neutrois,
    35 Andde ye Non-binary whicche does notte subscribe to ye gender binary but identiffyes with neither, both, or beyond male and female",
    36 For verrily itte be an umbrella termme, encompassing several gender identittyes, includingge ye intergender, agender, xenogender, genderfluid, and demigender,
    37 Forre itte is revealled in ye Bookke of ye Stonewall thatte some non-binnarrie identittyes are inclusive, because two or more genders are referenced, such as androgyne/androgynous, intergender, bigender, trigender, polygender, and pangender,
    38 Howsevverre that summe non-binary identittyes are exclusive, because no gender is referenced, such as agender, genderless, neutrois, and xenogender,

  4. 39 Andde verily ye Non-binary transgender, Omnigender, Other, Pangender, Polygender, Person of transgendered experience, Queer, Sekhet, Third gender, Trans, Trans*, Trans female, Trans male, Trans man, Trans person, Trans woman, Transgender, Transgender female, Transgender male, Transgender man, Transgender person, Transgender woman, Transfeminine, Transmasculine, Transsexual, Transsexual female, Transsexual male, Transsexual man, Transsexual person, Transsexual woman, Travesti,
    40 Andde evenne ye Trigender albeit that thy guess be as goodde as mynne,
    41 Ye Tumtum, Two spirit, Vakasalewalewa, Waria, Winkte, Woman, Woman of trans experience,
    42 Andde ye Holly Xenogender, ye gender identittye of yeideas and identities outside of gender includdyngge ye real or imaginary animallles, texture, size, shape, light, sound, or other sensory characteristiquess, 
    43 Andde ye X-gender,
    44 Andde yeah evenne ye manny undiscoveredde genders to be revealled to the Yorkites in tymmes to comme.
    45 Amen, Awymmynne, and Asexxuyalle.
