This is the spiritual journey of me, Eccles, my big brother Bosco, and my Grate-Anti Moly. Eccles is saved, but we've got real problems with Bosco and Anti.
This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
Sunday, 12 February 2023
Design your own God!
As a service to my friend "Archbishop" Justin Welby (He/Him on the one hand, She/Her on the other hand, and also Bleep/Bloop in a very real sense)
we are providing some useful advice to the Church of England as it decides to reject Christianity and go its own way
(no longer following the 1st Century Heiliger Geist but the 21st century Zeitgeist).
The statue of Christ the King is attacked by a Welby-CottrellTM Death Ray.
From now on all religious documents, Bibles, hymn books, prayer books, etc. will need to be pulped and replaced
by new "Woke" editions. OUT GO God the Father, Our Father who art in Heaven, Lord Jesus Christ, etc. and IN COME
God the parent, Our parent who art - somewhere or other, but it may be downstairs rather than upstairs - and Christ the Aristocrat.
Fr James Martin LGBTSJ (slightly Catholic) has already decreed that the Holy Spirit is feminine.
"Isn't this going to cost a lot of money?" you may be asking. Well, it should be possible to divert all
that cash we're giving to earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria into more worthy causes, such
as making sure that nobody is upset by God's choosing a gender that they find offensive (this is far worse than being trapped under a collapsed building!) In Phase 2 we'll be sending the Muslim world
new non-binary Korans, anyway.
Still, while we're updating all the Church of England books, please note that we have been
asked by our Supreme Governor, King Charles III, or at least by some of his menials (M.P.s)
to allow blessings of sin.
We're starting slowly with same-sex relationships (or "marriages" as they are laughingly called).
A suitable liturgy is being drafted, but since this is the C of E you are of course allowed
to make up your own words and nobody will complain.
Next month we shall be dismantling the ten commandments: adulterers, thieves and murderers
are already queuing up for blessings.
"O God (He/She/They), who gave us Henry VIII (He/Him) as a model for our church, and thus inspired us to follow
his path of adultery, theft and murder, we ask you now to bless "Casanova" John, "Fingers" Irene, and "Slasher" Maurice
as they pursue their spiritual paths of lechery, shoplifting and throat-cutting."
LATE NEWS: God is apparently not amused by the Church of England's activities, and the end of the world has accordingly been
advanced. Well, you can't say that we didn't all deserve a bit of smiting...
God decides to fix climate change.
Christ the Redeemer,
Church of England,
Fr James Martin,
Henry VIII,
Justin Welby,
KIng Charles,
same-sex marriage,
Stephen Cottrell,
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