This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Catholic Church finally agrees on something

Following the Black Friday on which the British House of Commons voted to legalise Assisted Suicide (giving doctors a Licence to Kill, à la Shipman), there is one faint ray of sunshine.

For the first time since the 1960s the Catholics have agreed on something!

Keir Starmer and Kim Leadbeater

"Are you sure we're not on a slippery slope, Kim?"

No matter whether they are SSPX or Happy-clappy, whether they refuse to talk to anyone except in Latin, or whether they refuse to use even Latin terms like "et cetera", whether they are "Trads" or readers of "Where Peter Is", all British Catholics are united in condemning this legislation. Why, even Tina Beattie is against it!

Not all the bishops spoke out against it (or not loudly enough for me to hear), but Nichols, Wilson, O'Toole, Egan, Davies, Swarbrick, McKinney and Stock, at least, deserve gold stars on this occasion.

Vincent Nichols

Praising Vin and Tina together! Can this blog cope with such things?

Well, I thought, there must be some exceptions! How about Austen Ivereigh, the fan of Pachamama and Rupnik? Surely, he at least won't let me down when I'm looking for targets? But no, the gnome is on my side too!

Austen Ivereigh tweet

Confusing it with Brexit and getting the date wrong, but otherwise 8/10 for Austen.

OK, so there we are, all Catholics are united, as far as I know. Life is hard for the satirical blogger.

Now we can unite to fight against the world, the flesh, the Devil, Kim Jong Headbanger Leadbeater, Enid Rancid Esther Rantzen, ...

Oh, but I forgot one thing. Our views are influenced by our religion. And, according to Lord Falconer, that means WE SHOULD SHUT UP! Only atheists, agnostics and devil-worshippers are allowed to express opinions.

Lord Falconer

I'm not bigoted about religions - I hate them all!"

Let's finish with something I wrote in response to a suggestion from Fr Dwight Longenecker. The Anglicans (who are a bit less hardline than Catholics when it comes to being pro-life) will need a liturgy for blessing services of Assisted Suicide.

We come to say farewell to our brother Eccles.
Who looketh a bit fed up, so it is time he went.
Who beareth the means of exit?
𝐈 bear the pillow of suffocation.
Blessed be St Esther of Rantzen, who hath ordained this.
Thy life is ending. Go in peace.
Yippee! (Or he may say "Thanks be to Kim".)

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Liberal priests announce sex strike

In protest against the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States of America, many liberal priests have decided to join sex symbols such as Whoopi Goldberg (age 69, weight 69 stone) and Jane Fonda (age 86) in refusing to provide sexual services for the next 4 years.


"From now on I shall concentrate on eating - it worked for Arthur Roche."

Several leading Trumpophobes are LGBTSJ Jesuits, and it is believed that their leader has vowed "no woman shall know me in the Biblical sense for the next 4 years". Similarly, Cardinal Tobin has promised not to send dubious "Nighty-night" greetings to any women in this period.

Miss Greta Luce (age 21 but looks much younger) has also undertaken to remain chaste in solidarity with the liberal priests "although what the Vatican Anime Dicastery chooses to do with my image is beyond my control."


What could possibly go wrong?

So what will these virtuous religious leaders find to occupy their time? Kenotic decentering is very popular in some circles, and athletes of synodality find that sitting round a table for weeks on end helps dispel impure thoughts. We wish them luck in this new endeavour.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

The World Cup of post-Biblical saints - nominations requested

I am asking for trouble here, as I shall probably be swamped with nominations.

I decided to make this world cup post-Biblical, first because the Blessed Virgin Mary would certainly win otherwise, and second because even if she were excluded, we'd only end up with final rounds including obvious people like Peter, Paul, James and John (at a guess).

Therese of Lisieux

This is what a saint looks like.


1. Only saints not mentioned in the Bible will be allowed to enter.

2. You may nominate up to 3 canonized saints (no mere blesseds, please!) If you nominate more then only the first 3 will be recorded. Please nominate either by replying to this blog posting, or by replying to the advert in Twitter/X. I will probably not reply to you, but I will take note of legitimate nominations.

3. No changing your mind - I don't want to fiddle around with last-minute changes. What you say first, goes.

4. I shall add a few top saints of my own, if they are omitted.

5. Voting will be by means of Twitter polls as in previous world cups.

6. My decision on all things is final, not to say infallible.


This is what another saint looks like.

ADDENDUM: After 3 days we have 96 entries, which is a convenient number, so nominations are now closed. The World Cup will start within the next day or two.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Answering your Catholic questions

In these turbulent times, leadership of the Catholic Church is not all it should be, and so many people come to this blog for spiritual guidance. Let's go!

Q. Who is Luce? What is Luce? Why is Luce?


A. The year 2025 sees a Jubilee of the Catholic Church. Now, we had a very exciting Jubilee of Mercy in 2015-16, with the wonderful logo of a 2-headed 3-eyed cyclops on skis designed by Top Catholic Artist Marko Rupnik. This one will be different, and Luce, designed in the well-known Anime Christi style has been chosen to represent the true essence of the faith.

Of course this is not the first time a woman has had top billing in the Catholic Church. For many years the Blessed Virgin Mary was an object of veneration and adoration, but she has now fallen out of favour with the Vatican, perhaps for being too "traditional".

Joan of Arc

St Joan of Arc - also rejected for being too rigid.

Anyway, if you are a faithful Catholic, you probably already own a crucifix, some rosary beads, quite possibly a scapular. BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE A LUCE YOU AIN'T SAVED! Got that?

Q. What is a synod on synodality?

A. Well, nobody really knows. Some say it is like a meeting on meetingality, or a workshop on workshopality. Perhaps it is more like a congress on congressality, or - like Vatican II - a council on councilality.

Of course, instead of putting a lot of moaning minnies in a room for several weeks, the whole business could have been settled more cheaply another way (see below):

Zoom call

Pope Francis summons his experts for a Zoom on Zoomality.