This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Sunday 28 October 2018

I wants to make your flesh creep

Sixteen wonderfully appalling works remain for Round 3 of the World Cup of Bad Hymns. Some surprises to me, at least, in that we have lost God's Spirit is in my heart, Bind us together, Lord, Walk in the Light, and Go, The Mass is ended, but this just shows the quality of the works remaining. Here is the grouping - the top two in each of the four groups will reach the last eight - the quarter final knock-out stage!
Title Author     Round 3
Kumbayah anon     3
Christ be our light Bernadette Farrell     4
I, the Lord of sea and sky Daniel Schutte     1
Come to the Table of Plenty Daniel Schutte     2
Sing a New Church Delores Dufner     3
Shine, Jesus, shine Graham Kendrick     1
This little light of mine Harry Dixon Loes     2
One bread, one body John Foley     2
Gloria (clap clap) Martin Anderson     4
Gather us in Marty Haugen     1
The world is full of smelly feet Michael Forster     2
On eagle's wings Michael Joncas     4
Alleluia Ch-Ch Paul Inwood     3
They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love Peter Scholtes     4
Lord of the Dance Sidney Carter     3
I am the Bread of Life Suzanne Toolan     1
Need I say more?


Get ready to Schutte for goal!

Round 3 begins on Monday 29th October.


  1. My two worst: 1) Lord of the Dance (now it's in my brain, taking the place of a really bad non-holy song by a band from Greenland)and 2) Alleluia ch-ch just because--is that for real? I'm sure I'm only allowed 1 so it's the one stuck in my head. Thanks!

  2. Sorry,

    Although I am a quite conservative Catholic, who was an Altar Boy when in Latin was still how Mass was said, I very much like Here I Am Lord, by Dan Schutte and I Am The Bread Of Life, by Suzanne Toolan.

    Sorry, you nor anyone else will likely change my mind.

    Their melodies are particularly nice. Melodies matter.

    Thank you.

    1. Perhaps we could get someone to write better words to the same melody?

    2. A professionally trained musician would probably not describe what "I am the Bread of Life" has as a melody.

    3. I'm not evaluating them as anything but liturgical music. Many would sound fine as songs in a Broadway musical show, but if you find yourself swinging an imaginary mug of grog as you sing Gather Us In, you've just admitted it is not appropriate for the liturgical setting, even if Jesus loves pirates as much as he loves anyone.

    4. In the seminary, on the last line of "Gather Us In," I always sang, "...a three-hour tour...a three-hour tour..."

  3. The clappy Alleluia! Cringe inducing and the trendy celebrants hi all smiley. Smite us, Lord. And ferociously

  4. We all might niggle at who advanced, but in truth, this is a terribly formidable list of horrors.

  5. Having had my Catholic sensibility assaulted by most of these silly songs, I am hard-pressed to select the top tune. Presently crashing from yet another funeral recessional On Eagle’s Wings, I am sorely tempted to vote that one in first/last place.
    However, having done an extensive 10-minute search of the origins of Lord of the Dance, I feel honor-bound to cast my vote into that abyss of abominable paeans to paganism. Sid Carter, composer of this pseudo-Shaker song, said it was inspired by the god shiva, aptly aka god of destruction.
