This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Sunday 22 September 2024

Coming soon - the 2024 World Cup of Synod Jargon

In about a week from now, when we have decided what the worst hymn is, we shall start the 2024 World Cup of Synod Jargon. The 2023 World Cup voters decided that "a new way of being Church" was the winner, and "a kenotic de-centering" came second. This year's World Cup will include 16 new entrants received since the previous World Cup, and exclude all the 2023 heroes. After all, a key principle of synodality is to reject what was good in the past.

Here we go again!

The sixteen extrants are:

a real Copernican turning point
a snippet of 'conversation in the spirit'
a multidimensional impact on churches
a new theology which gives 'flavour'
a relaunch of the faith
athletes of synodality
breathe synodality into academic theology
circularity animated the synodal process
discernment is synodal
great stories of synodality in parishes
mission is always synodal
passes through a relational conversion
preserve harmony in your discernment
teaching us to be bread for others
the synodal methodology of conversation
which aspect of 'PLACE' is important?

For practical reasons (because the entrants are quite long they are hard to fit into a tweet), there will be a simple knockout competition conducted by Twitter polls, and no group stages.

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