This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
This is me, Eccles

Friday 30 July 2021

Latindr App used to catch priests in compromising situations

As reported by journalists from the Bitter Pillar (formerly the Tablet), data from the popular social networking Latindr app, used by people of a certain inclination who want to get together for a bit of TLM (nudge, nudge), has been used to trap priests and bishops in compromising situations.


Not suitable for Catholics.

As many commentators have pointed out, Pope Francis's attempt to restrict the traditional Mass is not simply a change in forms of worship, but a piece of deep moral teaching, on a par with the edict that homosexual priests should keep their trousers on (except possibly if they are Jesuits). All right, it contradicts all the ideas of previous popes, but then so does practically everything that oozes from the papal pen.

So the big moral debate this week was: which is worse, using Latindr to get together with like-minded Catholics, or getting hold of such personal data and "outing" rogue clergy? Well, we on this blog are in no doubt. These nasty wicked people should be exposed for what they are, even if it involves tracking their movements.



The Latin Given By Tradition (LGBT) movement is very powerful these days, and even non-LGBT commentators were shocked to see Pope Francis's Romaphobic condemnation of the practice. But hacking into Latindr may be the best way to purify the Church.

As a bonus, we have the results of this week's Eccles "horror art" competition. The theme was "families" and competitors were to imagine a dysfunctional family where the parents had three eyes between them, wicked Uncle Arthur was an alcoholic who liked to surround himself with Yorkshire puddings, and the ghosts of the dead grandparents looked on in dismay.

rotten picture

The winning entrant from Marko Ivan Rupnik (age 6).

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  1. This 'artwork' resembles an earlier specially commissioned piece where two characters shared three legs as they accompanied one another. I can't imagine it could be the same unfortunate family pictured above; it would be a crying shame if that same couple also had to share three eyes. (I suppose it could be a family trait.) I think it could be a warning to all of us. I'm just not sure what that warning is.

  2. Dysfunctional family? Eye, eye, eye!

    1. As heard in the British Parliament, recently: “The eyes have it, the eyes have it”.

      Followed by: “Unlock !!!” [Obviously a reference pleading for the removal of any diabolical restrictions on The Divine Traditional Mass].

  3. I was given a crucifix as a relatively new Catholic, and it was a hideous monstrosity! A woman, standing by the crucified body of Her Son, was holding a cup up to His side, where blood gushed into the cup. I realize there was a lot of theology happening on the crucifix, But I am the only Catholic convert in a house full of unbeliever heathens, and HOW DO I EXPLAIN this grotesquerie? It was as ugly as that piece of neobyzantinism above. Why does modernism have to be so wretchedly ugly?

    1. Its ugliness is an autobiographical statement..

  4. Father Anonymous is not savd.

    Only Father Z is savd.

  5. Our lord told st Peter feed my sheep and feed my lambs he never said poison them

    1. Tend my lambs, shepherd my sheep, tend my sheep and don't try to pull the wool over their eyes!
