This is the spiritual journey of me, Eccles, my big brother Bosco, and my Grate-Anti Moly. Eccles is saved, but we've got real problems with Bosco and Anti.
This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
Sunday, 28 May 2023
Indietrists told to "take a hike"
Following the recommendations from Pope Francis and Arthur Roche that
pre-2013 Catholics ("indietrists", "backwardists", "rigidists", etc.)
should "go away", "take a hike", and "push off", sixteen thousand of them
have taken this advice literally and disappeared into the French countryside
between Paris and Chartres.
"The Pope told us to 'get lost' and I'm really not sure where we are now."
Although the journey of the 16,000 is decribed as a "pilgrimage", Pope Francis is
not fooled. "When I make a pigrimage, I sit in a comfortable jet with a hundred
journalists and invent some new Catholic doctrine," he explained. "I certainly don't
go wandering in the wilderness."
Meanwhile, the fact that his own diocese includes England's prime destination for a pilgrimage has not missed
the attention of Bishop "Comedy Teeth" Collins of East Anglia, who
has decreed that the TLM will no longer be allowed at the shrine.
The words of another bishop: "it's important that I try to be a father to everyone in my diocese"
clearly don't apply here. In fact, following his Jane Austen namesake, Collins prefers a world of Pride and Prejudice.
"I can't wait to get my teeth into Traditionis Custodes!"
Now it would be extremely childish to
use the dentally-challenged bishop's appearance as a way of mocking him, but, on the other hand, at least five
people have sent me versions of the following photo (Collins as a young man) so who am I to
"There's two things that I really abhor - religious intolerance and those flaming Traddies!"
Meanwhile, the late news is that the missing 16,000 have resurfaced somewhere near Chartres,
much to the disgust of Pope Francis and Arthur Roche. How do we finish this article, then? With
another cheap laugh about Arthur Roche's love of cake, or another one at the expense of the bullying bishop?
Oh all right...
"Well done, Bishop Collins, and your reward is a new pair of false teeth."
Thursday, 25 May 2023
New Auckland-rite vestments available
Following the lead of Bishop Stephen Lowe of Auckland, New Zealand, Gammarelli's outfitters has
now agreed to stock the new "Snickers" vestments that are driving the Catholic world wild.
Bishop Lowe models the new vestments.
Apparently, the "Snickers" liturgy is as orthodox as Pachamama, it being a Polynesian custom
for clergy to wear chocolate bars round their necks when offering the Mass (or "Mars" as
they pronounce it). Depending on the liturgical season, the Snickers may also be
replaced by Bounty bars, Kit-Kats, Milky Way, Toblerone, etc.
Poor Hoho, the greatest theologian of our age, has
given his approval, pointing out that the new liturgy helps to implement Pope Francis's
Traditional Custardpie.
Cardinal Roche has also declared himself very enthusiastic about the new vestments, and has
personally ordered a dozen Snickers necklaces ("and don't bother about the chasuble").
Mike Lewis of Where Pacha Is has also given his imprimatur, although
regular readers of this blog will know that he normally prefers sausages.
On the other hand, this has been a good week for the Trads, with the announcement that this year's
hard-right fascist Chartres pilgrimage has drawn a record attendance, and
is now closed to further pilgrims. It is not known whether any of the devout will be wearing
Snickers bars around their necks although the event is something of a marathon.
Pope Francis is "delighted" to hear the news of Chartres.
Saturday, 20 May 2023
With apologies to A.A. Milne.
Rochie-the-Pooh, a bear of very little brain,
lived in the Hundred Acre Wood under the name of Arthur.
Living under the name of Arthur.
One day he was feeling very hungry, and he said to himself
"I think I'll go and see my little friend Austen Pigleteigh. Maybe he will have some
cake for me."
As he walked along the path, Pooh hummed to himself.
The dullest part of the blogosphere.
By now Pooh was getting very hungry, and he suddenly remembered that he still had a jar of honey
left in his own larder. Not as good as cake, but it would fill that little gap between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock.
So he turned round and went home again.
Outside his house he found Austen Pigleteigh, who was jumping up and down trying to reach the knocker.
Piglet has some NEWS for Pooh!"
"Pooh!" said Piglet in his squeaky voice, "something TERRIBLE has happened."
"A problem with your synod?" asked Pooh. "Is Grech the Rabbit still telling everyone what to do? Does Sister Nathalie Kanga want to take over the Hundred Acre Wood? Has Cardinal Tiggerich done something naughty again?" For Piglet had spent the last few years
playing games with some very wild people.
"No, no, NO!!" said Piglet. "I had a dream about a horrible hairy Heffalump! It spoke to me in Latin!
We must tell Christo Ber Goglin!"
Piglet's Nightmare.
"That's very important," said Pooh. "We must ban all Heffalumps from the Wood, so that we are no longer haunted by them.
But first... let's have some honey."
Now, please make no mistake, A cardinal likes cake! You think that I should diet? Only an indietrist would try it!"But what if little Piglet doesn't have any cake?" asked Pooh. "Should I go and see my friend the wise owl MASSIWOL instead? No, he has taken up theology now, and he won't listen to me if I hint that it's time for a little something. Or rather, a big something would be better..." Massiwol reveals the true meaning of Vatican II to a fascinated Rochie-the-Pooh. "Perhaps I should have gone to see Christo Ber Goglin," said Pooh. " "He's not very busy today, just doing an audience. Of course I could telephone him first and ask him if he has any cake - he won't mind being interrupted. No, it had better be Piglet." In the most depressing part of the forest, the WherePachaIs bog, lived Mike Eeyore, the donkey. Pooh's journey took him past the wreck that Eeyore called home. "Hullo, Eeyore!" he said. "What a lovely morning for eating cake!" "Is it a lovely morning?" replied Eeyore gloomily. "Nobody told me. Even Christo Ber Goglin, who is knows everything, hasn't told me what I should think about the weather today. It's so depressing."
Who stopped the Mass? You may call uncle Arthur an ass, But he stopped the Mass! Tiddly-pom!
A.A. Milne,
Arthur Roche,
Austen Ivereigh,
Jean-Claude Hollerich,
Mario Grech,
Massimo Faggioli,
Mike Lewis,
Sr Nathalie Becquart,
Where Peter is,
Winnie the Pooh,
Thursday, 18 May 2023
Taylor Marshall to stand for Pope?
Following the declaration of his candidature for President of the United States, Dr Taylor Marshall,
the author, podcaster, Youtuber, and father of 27 children, has declared himself
"ready to stand" in the 2032 papal conclave.
At least one of these is our future Pope!
"After two terms as President, I shall be looking for a new venture," explained the author, podcaster,
Youtuber... (get on with it!) "and I shall be happy to offer my services as Holy Father, Renaissance Man,
and Saviour of the Church." Admittedly, Dr Marshall would then be the first Pope since the middle ages to bear
27 children, but, having comprehensively
beaten Taylor Swift in a "Which Taylor would you vote for?" Twitter poll, his popularity is beyond question.
Taylor Swift - unlikely to be either President or Pope.
So what policies do we expect Dr Marshall to follow, as President and then Pope? As a devout CatholicTM
he will naturally follow Joe Biden go for the exact opposite of Joe Biden's policies: he will be
pro life, anti the LGBTQSJ agenda, and generally favour traditional Catholicism. This will go down badly
in the White House, and probably badly in the Vatican too. But the time has come for change.
Monday, 15 May 2023
Putting pressure on the Pope
When you run a very popular blog that is read by nearly four people, as I do
and as Mike Lewis of Where Pacha Is does, you have to be careful what
you write as you never know who will see it.
See the problem?
Every morning Pope Francis dips into Where Pacha Is to see what brilliant thing he should be doing that day.
Maybe an aeroplane trip in order to announce some shiny new doctrine on same-sex climate change? Perhaps
he expects another visit from Austen Ivereigh, who will be
doing his Judy Garland impersonation, singing "We're off to see the Synod, the Wonderful Synod of Sin"?
Well, of course there are quite a few bishops who should be sacked, or, more precisely, put in
a sack and dropped at the bottom of the ocean, but this a blog of love and kindness and we won't
mention them by name. Until next time.
The pressure begins to tell on Pope Francis.
Usually, the Pope has no problems reading Where Pacha Is. Its main message is "Pope Francis is
right on everything, even when he's wrong, and if he says something that contradicts
previous popes, saints, etc. then they must have been wrong. Or, more precisely,
since the Magisterium is constantly changing, they were right at the time, but definitely wrong now.
He's also amazingly handsome and charming."
But sometimes, WPI tries to predict how the Magisterium will develop, and Pope Francis cannot keep up.
Fortunately, a man of great influence and sensitivity like the Where Pacha Is supremo
knows where to draw the line. Well done!
Pope Francis also takes advice on how to cook sausages.
Thursday, 11 May 2023
Pope Francis on the couch
Finally, even Pope Francis has realised that there is something badly wrong
with his psychological make-up, and has checked in with the
great Dr Kopfschrumpfer, psychiatrist to the Vatican.
"Now Holy Father, what seems to be the problem?"
Help me, doctor, I have this obsessive phobia about everything that happened before
I founded the Church in 2013.
What is it that troubles you?
There is terrible support for restorationism... indietrismo... backwardism... a nostalgic disease... we cannot turn back...
I see. Have you considered discussing the issue with some friends?
I don't have any friends, apart from Austen Ivereigh the scribbler, and nobody in their right mind would take
his advice. Oh and James Martin, but all he recommends is appointing more LGBTSJ bishops.
Yours is a difficult case, Holy Father. Take some of these MODAGON anti-modernism
tablets and come and see me tomorrow.
Pope Francis hobbles out, but goes through the wrong door, and ends up in a cupboard.
Which is it to be?
Come back, Holy Father! It's the other door!
I cannot turn back... that would be backwardism... indietrismo... CRASH... I must always go forward, as
the sap rises in a tree... to do without this flow would be to remain a mummy... CRASH!... Ow! Get
Arthur Roche here to help me... you'll find him in the cake shop...
Monday, 8 May 2023
How to run a Coronation
I was (of course) invited to the Coronation of King Charles III, and so I picked up a few tips on
how such events should be run. Indeed, since a Coronation is just a sort of Mass run by Anglicans with
a few traditional add-ons, some of the features I observed could easily be incorporated
into a Novus Ordo Mass (or, with more difficulty, the Traditional Latin Mass).
Proof that I was there!
Now, when the celebrant enters the church, it is not appropriate to have someone
carrying a cross in front, as this may offend Muslims, Hindus, Anglicans, Jesuits, and
anyone else who has dropped in to keep out of the rain. No, what we need is a Valkyrie with
a giant sword.
"Smite ye the ungodly" (Psalm 160).
If it is a Catholic Mass you will need some special guests to give it a spiritually nourishing flavour.
A man dressed as the Pope, perhaps. A ballet dancer practising Ignatian Yoga. Or this:
It's G.K. Chesterton!
An interlude - in America they have different notions of the proper procedures for a Coronation Mass.
For example, the presence of a QAnon shaman is considered desirable on ecumenical grounds.
Zadok the Priest and QAnon the Shaman anointed Joe Biden KING!
Back to Westminster Abbey. The best Masses have gospel dancers singing and cavorting around but it is not strictly necessary, so we'll skip that.
You may also have young people who have been dragged into church kicking and screaming - they don't want to be there, and you don't want to see them. The answer is to hide them behind a lady with a big feather on her hat.
In a minute he is going to sneeze...
Well, that's all, folks. And remember, if you have celebrated your Saturday Mass with some high-quality
music, then you can always organize a Glastonbury-type concert for the tone-deaf masses the next day; this is a Sunday, and
therefore need not be regarded as holy.
"You is not saved only we is saved." (Suitable for either event.)
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