This is the spiritual journey of me, Eccles, my big brother Bosco, and my Grate-Anti Moly. Eccles is saved, but we've got real problems with Bosco and Anti.
This is me, Eccles

This is me, Eccles
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
The Book of Covidicus 14: the Road Map
Sunday, 28 March 2021
The CathEccles Herald - an apology
Saturday, 27 March 2021
Vatican sale - everything must go!
Sunday, 21 March 2021
CDF controversially prefers wheat to tares
Farmer Marx goes off to sow tares on his German estates. Other controversial farming dubia are likely to come the way of the CDF before long. Should the sower have thrown more of the seed onto stony ground, as a way of building bridges with those of a petrified orientation? Is mustard seed really a useful crop to grow? Should the farmer with the barren fig tree have shown more mercy to it? We await the answers with interest.
Saturday, 13 March 2021
Will Francis visit persecuted Catholics in Rome?
- The public conveniences;
- A disused broom cupboard;
- A cold area of the grotto under six inches of water.
The Prodigal Son
8. So eventually the younger son said, "Father, give me my share of the estate. I wish to become independent.
9. For my wife Meg-han hath had enough of opening abattoirs in Goole and recycling centres in Basingstoke.
10. She wisheth to return to the holy wood of her forefathers, wherein she may be a celebrity without any duties, save to speak voice-overs for him that is called Disney."
The father is grieved on hearing of his son's wish to depart.
11. And thus Harry and Meg-han left the family that is known as royal, and began to squander their wealth in wild living.
12. Indeed, Harry forsook the title of "Your Prodigal Highness" and changed his name to "Mr Sussex".
13. They went into the market-place and tried to make their fortune by selling useful items, under the name of "Sussex Prodigal".
14. But, alas, nobody wanted to buy a carbon-neutral biodegradable gluten-free halal antiracist gay clockwork hedgehog that played "Shine, Jesus, Shine!" even if it did bear the label "Sussex Prodigal".
15. So, when they had spent all their substance, they sought another way to pay their way.
16. And Meg-han said, "Once I was a celebrity, and acted in a play called Suits. Although you may not believe it, I played a selfish good-for-nothing who was seeking a wealthy husband. Perchance I can act again." 17. But the people of the Holy Wood did not require an actress who could play an aggressive bad-tempered, selfish, good-for-nothing. Although they did say that, if they were to remake the humorous play known as Psycho with a female star, then they would call on her. 18. Then, in desperation, Harry and Meg-han went into the fields to feed the creature known as Oprah. And they wished that they might fill their stomachs with the pods that the Oprah ate, but their fee was far less than hers and they could not afford them. Feeding the Oprah. 19. So Harry said, "I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, 'Father, you have sinned against Heaven and before me. You are no longer worthy to be called my father.'" Evangelist's note. This doesn't seem to be going quite as expected. Perhaps we'll try for a happy ending later. (Warning: parts of this are recycled from an earlier parable.)